You Freak!

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(I made Grillby a little out of character, don't judge me it's my story, unless he got Close to Malorie if you know what I mean)


I frowned as a tall skeleton jumped down off the railing in front of me "I HAVE A SISTER!!! SANS THIS IS AWESOME." Papyrus said as I laughed. "I am Malorie." I replied "I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND SANS IS THE SHORT SKELETON." I smiled as Sans approached me "Let's just go, aren't you going to hang out with Undyne, Paps?" Sans said as Paps nodded. I yawned and headed out to Grillby's with Sans.

I sat down next to Sans and talked about random crap, a loud crash came from the kitchen. "I will check it out." I said as I got up and stood by the kitchen door. (Malorie also has a rainbow soul, cause logic.) I was about to grab the handle but got whacked in the face with the door.

Everything went dark.


I open the door to see a human on her side, knocked out. Oh god I have really done this... Sans pinned me to the ground with bones. "Don't hurt her." Sans said and I was scared. Malorie got up and slammed Sans to the wall with her magic, blood was dripping down her face. "Sans how you act more chilled to the bone.." Malorie said as blood was dripping down her face, and she pulled me out of the bones. I stumbled back and slightly yelled "You are a freak-k! Stay away from here!" Malorie just laughed as she dropped a picture of Grillby and Jenny "Okay Grillby, Jenny would have wanted that." Malorie said as she teleported away. I covered my mouth in shock. 'Did I really say that? But god is she is cute as hell like her mo-Okay stay focused' I thought and picked up the picture, I put it in my pocket.


I sat back at the bar counter as Grillby covered his face in hands "I can't believe I said that to her-r." Grillby said, upset. I slightly smirked "You have the hots for her." Grillby turned slightly pink and I started laughing. "Oh just wait until I tell her." I said between laughs and Grillby gave me a death glare. "Fine...but I am still telling everybody but her." I said as I got up and rushed out the door.


"GOD DAMMIT SANS." I yelled and groaned. God I am such a dick for saying that. Many hours later, it was closing time. I fought in my mind to say sorry to Malorie. God she is hot as hell, NO SNAP OUT OF IT GRILLBY STAY FOCUSED ON CLEANING. I walked outside and paced back and forth, nervous of what to do. I started walking towards Gaster/Sans' and Papyrus' house. I opened the door to nobody there, I heard Paps and Sans talking, then I looked over to see Malorie laying on the couch asleep with a ice pack on her face. 'God I caused that.' I said that as I walked over to Malorie's side. I tripped on something causing me to fall on top of her, we were face to face. She was still somehow asleep, god I move then she will wake up. The flames turned slightly pink and Malorie slightly groaned


I woke up to Grillby's face in front of mine "What the h-..." I said but Grillby kissed me on the lips to silence me. I pull away "Umm..." I said confused and Grillby realized what he just did, jumping off me. A shadow came from the kitchen.


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