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-time skip to a couple of days after Grillby crashed at the rainbow child's house (COUGH COUGH RAINBOW SOUL)-


I looked down at tired Malorie on the chair by her bed, I can't believe I kicked her out of her own room. I laid there, looking at her guitar, spray paint cans, things that helped her deal with being alone on the surface.

I winced in pain, loudly and Malorie sat up in the chair, still wearing the work uniform. "You okay?" She asked and I nodded, Malorie teleported to my side. She moved close to me and did the unthinkable, kissing me on the lips without pulling away, I kissed back. It lasted about five mins (DAMMMMMMM DANIEL) and she pulled away. "I will just go." Malorie said nervously as she walked out of the room. It sounded like Gaster and Malorie were fighting with each other and the door to the bathroom slammed.


I snapped my fingers to wear my normal outfit as I took out my butterfly knife. I rolled my sleeves up, looking at my past cutting scars and started recutting over them. I winced in pain as it triggered me to started coughing up blood. I fell to my knees and dropped the knife, coughing up blood. Grillby kicked the door open and knelt down to face me. "Why-y did you do this Malorie?" He asked and I said weakly "I am just a wasted body, I was never planned nobody needs me." Grillby slapped me "CANT YOU JUST BE HAPPY FOR ONCE! FOR GOD FUCKING SAKE STOP OVER REACTING!" He yelled as he realized what he said and covered his mouth in shock. I took out a healing element and used it. "Fine." I teleported away to my old house where two former captains of the royal guard took care of me and took out my spray cans, I started painting the gang (aka all the people she met and became friends with, even those who hurt her) Malorie walked into her bathroom and she took out a hair razor, shaving the left side of her head. She dyed the buzz cut rainbow and the tips of her hair rainbow. (I made her hair white for a reason) Malorie put the hood of her trench coat up and sat on the couch, crying while staring at the wall.


I was on my knees crying, I was mad at myself and mad at Malorie. I felt a boney hand on my back "Let's just get you back to rest." Sans said and I stood up. I walked back to Malorie's room and laid on her bed. (Note This is Gaster's house, nobody knows expect Sky, about Malorie's old house) I stared at a picture of Malorie and cried myself back to sleep. I woke up to Paps yelling. "SANS, WE CANT FIND MALORIE ANYWHERE." Paps said as he shook him downstairs in the living room. "Let's just put posters up and tell everybody." Sans said as they walked outside. I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch, crying.

-Timeskip to three months later-

A/N: Ohhhhh a cliffhanger, DUN DUN DUNNN I was in a rush. Don't judge ;-;

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