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I was loading crates in the back when I felt a hard push against me. I faced a revealing flamewoman, I think she works with MTT because she would be dragged along with that glitter triggered robot. Her lips touched mine and she forcefully kissed me. I knocked over a glass with a fireball, trying to get the attention of anybody.


Sans and I sat at the counter at Grillby's, MTT sat there too, looking at my outfit. A loud crash came from the kitchen, I teleport to see Grillby laying on the ground, trying to catch his breath and a firewoman staring at me. "Wow, you are quite picky aren't you.." I said as MTT kicked the firewoman outside "YOU ARE FIRED." The glitter triggered robot yelled and groaned. "Let me figure this out situation as Alphys would say, bye darling." MTT said as he walked away.

I looked down at Grillby and picked him up bridal style, he was out cold. I rubbed my gloved hand on his hand as I walked out to the main area. I put Grillby down in a seat and I sat across from him, I sighed as I climbed on the table, kissing Grillby passionately. He woke up and kissed back,making his chair fall back, but before that happen he grabbed my waist. I pulled away "So, now that I forgive you, will you be my boyfriend?" I said as Grillby looked at me, shocked "But-t the way..." He didn't finish "It's okay, so is that a yes?" I said as Grillby nodded his head, happily. I got up and pulled him to his feet "Also the people around here says you are acting differently since you met me is that true?" I asked, looking at him with my blue eyes. He slowly nodded and I hugged him. "You are probably
the most special thing that ever happened to me." I said.

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