Dammmm Daniel

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I held up my phone with a picture of Grillby kissing Malorie and said "Explain." I stood in front of Grillby as he stumbled back at the sight of me. Malorie sat on the couch and yawned.

My flames slightly dimmed as I coughed. "Okay, I came here to say sorry for calling Malorie a freak..and I fell face to face, she woke up and I kissed her to not make her scream okay....Sans.." Sans did a thumbs up "You still have the hots got her." Sans laughed again, I said goodbye slightly coughing and left.

-Time skip to about a couple days later-

I woke up and held my head in pain. 'Just get through the day Grillby.' I thought as I got ready for work.

-Time skip to later in the afternoon-

I looked over to Malorie talking with everybody, laughing and bonding. 'Thank god they aren't fighting' I said as my vision blurred. I gripped onto the counter of the bar beginning to feel dizzy as hell. "Somebody he-" I said weakly as I collapsed to the ground.


I sprinted over to the counter and jumped over the counter to get to Grillby's side. (PARKOUR) Alphys and Undyne were calming everybody else down. I picked up Grillby and put him down in a chair. "It seems like he is sick..Alphys get some water and pain killers." Alphys put things on the table. I walked back to the kitchen/locker room and took out a uniform similar to Grillby. "Okay, Malorie you can do this, it's just the foster homes."(serving little kids and shit)I said as I put on the uniform and walked back out to the main area. I picked up Grillby's broken glasses and put them down on the table by him.

-Time skip brought to you by Sans eating/drinking ketchup-

I started getting use to serving others and all that crap. People said I was a pro at it and I am good at balancing.


I woke up, holding my head in pain and cursed under my breath. I took the water and pain killers, I frowned at the sight of my broken glasses. Then I look over to see Malorie balancing plates on her arms and head, I was surprised at what I was seeing, how did she have so much practice. Maybe she needs help, I got up but she gave me a glare at me. I sat back down.


Grillby walked over to the counter and sat down next to Sans. "One question, how do you handle doing this so well?" Grillby asked and I replied "I rather not talk about it." He frowned as his glasses sat there.

I looked up at him with my blue eyes "I do have to say you looking smoky hot without those glasses." Grillby's flames turned slightly pink "But I can't-t see shit-t.." I waved my hand in front of the glasses and snapped my fingers, making them look brand new. "Also you are crashing at my place since you are sick as hell and could pass out any minute." I said as I slid a ketchup bottle at Sans.


"Okay-y hot stuff." I replied making her slightly blush, God that uniform perfectly fit her and her a- OH GOD WHAT AM I THINKING. I felt a hand on my chin, it was Malorie, she titled my chin." My eyes are up here." She said and I covered my face in my hands, turning fully pink. Alphys held her sketch book to her chest "Must draw fan art." Alphys said as Malorie was laughing. Sans patted my back "You fell for a very special person and if you hurt her you will have a BAD TIME." He said and I nodded, slightly scared.


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