The Watcher.

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~Malorie P.OV, it takes place a few months later~

I haven't been sleeping well for a while and Grillby grew to worry about me but I would just tell him off. I slowly ate my cereal almost falling asleep while I sat at the counter. The place was cozy because of the presence of my fellow brothers and Grillby. When I was finished, I quickly got up, cleaning my bowl and going to my room. I have a feeling that I was being watched but I decided to just lay down on my bed.
I felt alone since Sans, Paps were out along with Undyne and the rest of the group. Grillby was working as always.

I was sent shivers down my spine as the cold breeze brushed pass me. I sang myself to sleep slowly.

I suddenly woke up in a panic as I stood straight up while a fellow glitched out figure stood in front of me. "Well look who decided to wake up." The figure said, slightly cackling.
"Who-ho? Are you?!" I said in a panicked tone. "Name's Error, I grew in curiosity while I watched you grow up."

I backed away suddenly as Error continued. "I was hoping you would join me and erase all mistakes from this hell show that we live in."
I shook my head, nervously as the glow from one of Error's Gaster blasters was about to shoot me. Until I saw four shadows stop Error but it was too late. I feel to the ground and blacked out.

Author's Note: OHHHHH WHO ARE THESE FOUR PEOPLE? DUN DUN DUN a cliffhanger. -evil laughter- sorry it was short.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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