Meeting and a Visit With Team 10

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Z- good morning!!
Corbyn- u know it's 6am right??
Z- Yeeeeah But... Today we get to meet Alex. So get up Lazy
Corbyn- that's right! I'm up now.
Noodle Hair- c ur still asleep? Alex's plane lands in an hr
Jonah- one of these days, Corbyn😂
Daniel- there's A granola bar on the island for u Corbyn. Hurry up We're all in the yard
Corbyn- Okay Mom.🙄😹
Zachs POV
I'm scrolling through Twitter waiting for Corbyn to Get ready when I get and Instagram Notifaction.
Alex1999 Just posted On Instagram

Alex1999 Plane Lands soon can wait to see @ whydon'twemusic
79,468 likes 798 comments
PicSHOT467- That View tho
juje 456- have fun my queen!!
iamzacherron- can't wait💙💜

Corbyn Finally comes out the front door and walks over to the Uber.
*time skip to airport*
Corbyns Pov
We're waiting for Alex's Plane to come in so we can meet her and I must admit I'm kinda nervous. I mean she's around Cute guys all the time. Heck, she just spent a few days at VidCon with Zachary and Nathan. Anyways I'm scrolling through Her Instagram feed when Daniel Nudges me. I look up and there's Alex in all her Beauty.
"Corbyn!" She yells and hugs me.
I hug Back and shoot a glare at Jonah who's giving me the look of "Corbyns got a crush!!!"
Daniel and Zach start laughing and I roll my eyes.
"Jeez you guys are even weirder in person." Alex says laughing
"Come on!" I laugh and pull her toward the Uber
Jack throws her luggage in the back and we all get in.
As I get in I realize we didn't get enough seats for everyone.
Alex points this out and We all look around awkwardly.
"Ummmm. I uh guess you can sit on one of Our laps." Jonah says
"Alright." Alex Sighs "but just this once."
I'm shocked when she Climbs over Zach to Get to me.
I quickly move the Ice coffee that was in my Hands into a cup holder.
Alex Sits down on my lap and we pull away.
Soon enough the car pulls up the drive way and parks
"Woah! This is your house!" Alex exclaims
"Yup. Now Come Madam." I say offering my Hand to her as a joke
To my surprise she takes it and answers
"Why thank you kind sir."
I laugh and we walk into the house.
Daniel gives Alex a quick tour and says she can pick which guy she stays with.
And with that Alex Goes up stairs to pick her roommate and we all go and just chill on our phones.
Around 5pm I need to grab my charger so I run up stairs to see Alex's Suitcase on my bed and the Bathroom door open with Alex's shadow casting out.
I quickly grab my charger and Then Alex says
"Oh Corbyn! It's not a problem I chose you right?"
"No it's totally fine with me." I reply
"Okay. Thanks!" Alex exclaims and the walls over to her Suit case and grabs a bag which must contain makeup or something.
"Hey Alex? How long are you uh staying?" I ask
"I think I'm Here two and a half weeks." She replies
"Okay." I say
"Yup!" She says Popping the p
After our brief conversation I head down stairs to grab something to eat.
Alex's Pov
Corbyn leaves the room to let me Unpack and I guess rest. I really wish he hadn't. Without him I feel like my memories are here to Suffocate me.
I shake it off and quickly head down stairs where There's a bunch of Yelling that consists of
Immediately I know who it is.
I walk in and see the one and only Logan Paul standing in the kitchen with his Vlog Camera out.
He walks over and says to me and the Camera
"Yo, Alex Say hi to the Logang!!!"
"Hey Guys! Miss Me? Remember, Be a Maverick and Join the Logang!!!" I grin and Wave at the Camera
"My Girl is already plugging! Let's go!!" Logan laughs and Gives me a high five
Logan Cuts the Camera and he explains that we're pranking Jake and Team 10 by Pretending that Erika and Tessa Got Kidnapped.
Then he Starts filming again and says the same thing to the Camera and he also says that Erika and Tessa know this is gonna happen
The plan is: Erika and Tessa are gonna scream and Then hide in Logan's car while Me Logan and Why don't we Help Team 10 look. Eventually when Everyone especially Jake and Chance are at their Limits I will low key text them and tell them to surprise the rest of Team 10.
We all drive over to The Team 10 house where We can already hear Screaming from Erika And Tessa. We all climb out of the Car and run in just as The two girls run out.
Then we hear Jakes Voice
" ERIKA! What happened?!?!"
Right after him is Chance And The Martinez Twins
We all start looking in different groups.
It's Me The Martinez Twins, Zach and Corbyn in one group. Jake Chance Anthony and Logan in another
And then the Largest group is Kade and the rest of Team 10.
Me Zach and Corbyn are all "looking" while the Martinez twins Ask what happened
I quickly explain that Erika and Tessa are gone and now we're looking for them
"America is Crazy, man." Ivan says putting a hand through his hair.
At least I think it's Ivan. He and Emillio are way too similar looking
As we're looking Jake pulls me aside and says to me and the Camera
"Guys this is Alex and she's Lit but we gotta find Erika and Tessa!" Then Jake Asks me "Alex, Did you find them yet? What about like Ivan or Emilio?"
"Sorry Jake, nothing yet." I sigh pretending to be Up set.
Then Jake speaks to his Camera
"Jake Paulers, this Is my Wife we're talking about and now she's Freakin gone!!!!"
Jake then Runs his hand through his Hair and Keeps looking with Logan who's also Vlogging
I quickly pull Logan aside and talk to him
"Should I text them yet?" I ask
"Yeah. But wait till Jake and Chance are out by the pool. I want Erika and Tessa to push them in." Logan Repiles
When Both of them are out by the pool i text Erika and Tessa to come push Them in and We succeed.
Logan then comes out and starts yelling
"Yo I got You soooo good!!!!!"
After Everyone's confusion passes we explain how we did it and Jake and Logan end up Chasing each other and mildly beating each other up.
Eventually we leave the Team 10 house and go back to the Why Don't We House. I walk up stairs to Me and Corbyns room and Flop on the Bed just as he walks in.
"Hey." He greets
"Hey Corbyn" I sigh
"Tired?" He asks raising an eyebrow
"Yeah. LA is Mad busy." I say
"Yup that's us." Corbyn grins
I go into the bathroom and change into my Black sweatshirt with the word "LOGANG" plastered across the front and I also slip into some Black shorts
I come out to Corbyn in Gray sweatpants and a Lose T shirt.
He asks what side of the bed I want and I Say left.
"Perfect. Cuz I wanted the right side" He smirks
We both Slip under the covers and I quickly plug my phone into my charger
Our Backs are Facing Each other and I quietly say into the Darkness of the room
"Night Corbyn "
"Goodnight, Alex."
And with that I fall into a sleep where my Memories run wild and I'm Haunted more and more until I fall into the void of darkness.

Who saw the Second Verse?!?!I certainly did. And Just like Woah. Anyways hope you enjoyed Team 10 in this One. Sry for typos

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