Ben and Jerry's and A Coma

589 13 5

Corbyn wraps me in a hug while I sob into a pillow. I'm probably bipolar because I went from sobbing to screaming into the pillow.
Corbyn rubs my back and Jonah brings me a cup of water.
I sip at the water and lean my head onto Corbyns shoulder.
We sit like this while Jack goes off with Jonah to talk some sense into Daniel.
Corbyns phone starts ringing and he steps out in the hall to take the call.
I whimper as soon as his body heat leaves my side and soon Zach replaces it.
Corbyns phone call is very long and Zach and I snuggle under the blankets and he turns on the TV.
Jonah comes back with Jack and they don't say anything.
"So I'm going out to get a toothbrush, want me to pick up some ice cream, Alex?" Jack asks his voice filled with compassion
"Yes, please noodle hair. A tip though... Ben and Jerry's is the best when getting over a guy." I say from the bed
"Of course it is." Jack grins
He and Jonah leave again and Corbyn finally comes back in.
He was on the phone with his parrents and they were just checking on him.
"Well don't you two look comfy. Corbyn jokes
I mean Zach and I are swamped in blankets and my head is resting on his chest. Not to mention all I can smell is the calming scent of Zach. Which as it turns out is fabric softener, Flowers and a hint of AXE body spray.
Corbyn plops down next to me and uses Zachs legs as a pillow.
"I agreed to being Alex's pillow, not yours Corbyn." Zach rolls his eyes
"I'm sorry but you're just a wonderful pillow, Zach." Corbyn grins
I laugh a little which feels good.
I take the remote and flip though channels until I come across Mean Girls.
"I think I could use a good laugh, what do you say boys?" I ask pointing to the TV
"As long as that smile is back on your Face, Alex." Zach says looking down at me
"Great, we're watching this then." I say pressing select on the remote.
We're at the part where they say
"On Wednesdays we wear pink." When Jack and Jonah come back with ice cream.
Once everyone's settled we continue to watch and eat the ice cream.
Jet Lag catches up to me along with the time zone and I fall asleep right before Regina is hit by a bus.
The next day I wake up and no air fills my lungs.
I push the covers off me accidently throwing Jack off the bed in the process
I wheeze and my breaths come out strangled and I can barely get enough air.
Jack has jumped up and ran over to me and started to yell at everyone to get up.
Now I hate being dramatic but I begin to feel light headed and I grip Jacks arm right before I fall over.
"CALL 911!" Jack yells from above me
A cool wash cloth is placed on my forehead as as I continue to gasp for air.
"WHERE'S MY PHONE?!?!" Jonah yells
Jack jumps away from me and snatches the phone from Jonah and quickly dials the number.
He says "okay" A lot and then "hurry".
Jack drops the phone on the ground and comes right back to my side.
And then he's gone when Corbyn starts yelling something about my stuff.
"Z-Zach..." I gasp
"Shhh. Save your strength, Alex"  Zach responds
"I-it hurts." I wheeze
"What?" Zach asks stroking my hair
"B-breathing. M-My chest, b-burns." I say griping his hand
My chest burns and black dots swarm in my vision. I'm about to black out and who knows if I'll ever see these guys again
I pulls Zachs attention back to me just as the boys all gather around me.
"T-Tell Daniel I'm sorry... T-Tell Him he's.... H-He's..."
And then everythings gone.
Zachs POV
"T-Tell Daniel I'm sorry... T-Tell Him he's.... H-He's..."
"No!! your eyes!!!" I screech shaking her
Corbyn pulls me back saying to give her space
"NO!!" I yell and pull put of his arms.
"Sir please stay back and let us work." A women says
I didn't even see the paramedics come in
"She's gonna be gone if we don't move her now." The women says
A men runs out and back in with both of those things and before I know it Alex is getting wheeled out.
Corbyn finally let's me go and I fall quite literally out of his arms
Someone orders an uber and we drive off to the hospital.
As soon as we get there Corbyn and I jump out and dash into the emergency room.
A nurse says only family is allowed in so I think fast and say we're her brothers
"Wow. Miss Stevenson has quite the amount of brothers." The nurse mumbles
We push back the curtains and see a pail fragile passed out Alex lying in bed. She has a oxygen hooked up to her and an IV in her arm there's just about a million cords attached to her skin with these sticky um stinker thingys.
The doctor brings in 3 more chairs for us and we all sit down with nothing to do but wait.
I take a nap and wake up to the doctor talking to Corbyn. I glance at Jack and Jonah, they fell asleep as well.
When he finally leaves Corbyn sits down as though he's in shock.
"What did he tell you?" I ask/whisper
"Its Alex..." Corbyn trails off
"W-What about her, Corbyn?" My voice trembles and I gesture for him to continue
"S-Shes in a coma and...a-and she might not wake up."

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