Tour and Nightmares

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I roll out of bed and glance at the clock. It reads 9:23 AM. I'm about to tiptoe over to the bathroom when an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back into bed.
"Stay in bed, Alex." Daniel whines
Holy Crud. His morning voice is  heaven.
"Stopppp!" I whisper as Daniel rolls on top of me.
He leans in for a kiss and I put my finger up to his lips
"I Have morning breath!" I exclaim
Daniel leans down to my ear
"I don't care." He whispers and kisses my ear
I blush and kiss his cheek.
He grins down at me.
"So the boys and I were wondering... Would along for the rest of our tour?" Daniel asks with hope in his eyes
"Oh my god. Would I?!" I exclaim hugging him
"Wait do you wanna go or not cuz the boys wanna know?" Daniel asks
"I'd love to Daniel." I say smiling
Daniel jumps off my stomach and leaps off the bed and springs off to tell the boys. He only gets so far and falls over a sleeping Jonah and Logan.
"MY TAIL BONE!" Daniel yells dramatically and flops on top of Logan.
"ACK! Daniel dude what are you doing?" Logan asks half asleep
Daniel doesn't hear him and just rolls on the ground being adorable until Logan picks him up and tosses him on the bed opposite of me
Corbyn groans as Daniel hits him on the stomach.
When all the chaos finally dies down, we get the news out about me coming along for tour.
And Then.... The room erupts in chaos again.
I'm pretty sure Daniel and I nearly broke Instagram yesterday when we announced we were dating. I mean I looked at the tag and the reposts were insane
((when i tryped reposts it auto corrected to rapists😂😂))
The plan is The boys leave and I got back to LA to pack my stuff and then I meet them for their Ireland show.
We all go get pizza for lunch and then Logan Zach and I all have a flight to catch back to LA.
First we drop off Nathan at his flight
"Bye, Nathan." I smile
"See ya Stevenson." Nathan says hugging me
And with that Nathan walks off towards security and the rest of us go to drop off Logan Zach and I.
The flight back to LA goes quickly. Maybe because Zach and I teased each other, watched movies, and listened to music.
The trip and flight went perfectly and I had a blast. What I wasn't expecting was for Him to show up at Logan's apartment.
"Alex!" He excialms as I get out Logan's car.
"W-What are you doing here?!" I whisper yell
"Yo, Alex Who's this?" Logan asks walking over
"This is Vincent. He's a...old friend of sorts." I awkwardly say
"Ohhh well Comon' you have a flight to get to tomorrow." Logan says walking away
"Where are you going?" Vincent asks raising an eyebrow.
"I'm going to Ireland." I deadpan
"Oh. Why exactly?" Vincent asks
"Well I'm going on tour with my boyfriend and the rest of his band." I sigh
"Oh you're dating someone now..." Vincent trails off
"Yes. And his name is Daniel James Seavey." I scoff
"You're dating a band member?!" He exclaims
"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" I ask
"Well I thought you weren't one to date. Especially after you know who." Vincent replies
"Well, Daniel is different." I say
"Is he really Alex? Or will he break your heart just like-" He gets cut off
"Don't you dare say that name." I say as we board the elevator
"Fine. I'll just say Him for now. But as I predicted that wound is still raw." He says
"If you want to be right, yes it is. And you're like salt in that wound." I glare
"What happened to us, Alex? You used to tell me everything but now you're here in LA dating some band member." Vincent says looking hurt
"Look I'm just not ready to deal with the past, alright." I say
"Well, You can't run forever." He replies
I look into those blue eyes I had fell in love with so long ago. It feels like a thousand sunsets ago.
"Well, I'll run until it catches me. And when it does, I'll escape to my dreams." I say as we get off the elevator
"Don't forget, Alex, Nightmares are dreams too." Vincent says as I close the door to Logan's apartment leaving him in the hallway.
I quickly walk to my room and begin to pack. Vincents words flow through my head. They mix with His words and compliments about me.
"You're beautiful." He smiles
"Thank you, prince." I say right back
"How did I ever get you?" He says caressing my cheek
"I guess you could say you won me over." I grin
"I guess so." He says
His lips connect to mine and then he pulls back. Those emerald green eyes stare back at me and I'm mesmerized.
I shake off this memory and continue to pack blocking out my thoughts with some of Why Don't We's music.
The first song is Perfect and all I can think of is His last words to me
You're not so perfect, you know that. I can't believe I fell for you.
Maybe Vincent is right. I guess I forgot that nightmares are dreams too.

Y'all remember Vincent right? He was back in the first chapter😂 well thanks for sticking with me bc I totally should've updated earlier sorry.

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