A Note and Asking Her Out

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Alex's POV
The next morning, I wake up with my arms wrapped securely around Zachs neck.
I shimmy out of his grasp and glance at the clock
I sigh and walk into Corbyns room.
He's there tangled in blankets and his blonde hair sticks up at different angles.
I slip under the blankets and turn so I face him.
He looks years younger in his sleep. His face looks like he's eighteen again and just starting out in music.
It now hits me that I'm 20 and missed 2 full years of my life to a coma.
Corbyn shifts and he whispers something about strawberries and Kong.
I smile and then burry down into the soft bed.
I'm woken up a few hours later to yells of
"WHAT WHERE DID SHE GO!?!" Jonahs voice yells
I'm about to yell I'm here but Corbyn springs from the bed and exclaims
Jack walks pass Corbyns room and then pauses
"Corbyn she's right there." Jack says calmly
He glances over and then he grins
"I thought you left or something." Corbyn says with a smile
"Nah. Just decided that I wanted to sleep here." I explain
We all go down stairs for breakfast and Corbyn makes me some eggs.
I take a quick shower and get dressed.
I'm halfway though my makeup when Jonah walks into the bathroom.
"Hey, Alex." He says
"Hey Jonah, whats up?" I ask
"Well you see Corbyn wanted to ask you something but he was playing chicken so I told him to write it down." Jonah says
"Oh, okay then. What is it?" I ask
Jonah hands me a piece of paper and says
"If you agree arrive at One thirty."
I nod and then he leaves.
I glance at the note amd read it
Hey, Alex. I guess this is stupid that I can't ask you this in person but...
Would you like to go on a date? Please don't crumble this up. I know technically you've been away from Daniel for 2 years but I'm sure it feels like only months. So if you'll accept, can you meet me at the front door? Jonah told you the time I presume. Well hopefully I'll see you there.
I smile and then finish my makeup.
The clock reads 11:32 which means i have an hour and a half until I meet Corbyn.
I walk down stairs and search for Zach.
I find him sitting around holding a teddy bear.
"Hey, Zach can I ask you something?" I ask sitting down next to him
"Yeah Alex. Go on shoot." He says
"So I was asked on a date and I--" I start
"By who?! If he breaks your heart I swear I'll-"
"No, No!! I was asked by Corbyn!!" I say calming the eighteen year old down
"Ohhhhh well...." Zach trails off
"I came to ask you what I should wear." I say
"Well. Knowing Corbyn its gonna be something fun and wild. So I'd dress casual but still nice." Zach says
"Okay so like what I wore to my meeting with Gordon the other day?" I ask
"Yup. Perfect." Zach smiles
I pull him into a hug and say
"Thank you Jacob Sataurious."
"Any time girlie." Zach says poking my side
"Now common. I need your help." I say pulling him off the couch
"What now?!" Zach sighs dramatically
"Oh shush drama queen. I just want an opinion on what I should wear. " i roll my eyes
"Alright fine." Zach says following me up to the room we share.
I lay out two outfits and ask which he thinks is better
"Well you see you'd look fabulous in both but I must say that one." He point to the one on the right
"Great! Your job is done!" I say
"Good. For a second I thought I was gonna miss Madi coming over." He mumbles
"Awwwwe Zach has a girlfriend." I tease
"Do not! She's just a friend!!" Zach whines
"Whatever you say Whiney." I say rolling my eyes
He walks out of the room rolling his eyes and mumbling about hair gel.
I shake my head and begin to get ready.
When I'm finally finished its 1:26.
Yes I know it took that long but I showered again painted my nails and had to do full makeup.
I get down stairs and sit on the front step waiting.
At 1:30 pm sharp Corbyn appears with a relived face.
"I thought you weren't gonna show." He smiles
"Oh Corbyn. I would never miss a chance like this." I say smilimg

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