White Vans and Broken Plates

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I wake up the next day to blaring sunlight and a loud yell across the hall.
I groan and roll out of bed. I swallow two pills and then walk downstairs where Corbyn sits eating a bowl of cereal.
"Morning, Corbyn." I greet
"Morning Beautiful." He sways winking
I blush and make my way to the cereal boxes
I pour my self some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and then sit down next to Corbyn on a stool at the Island
We eat in silence until Zach runs in with Daniel on his heels
"ZACH STOP!!" Daniel yells
I look at Zach to see him Holding Daniels phone
"What's happening?" I ask
"Zach Won't give me back my phone!" Daniel exclaims
"Really Zach?"I roll my eyes
"Hey, hey... I'm only have it cuz I saw over Daniels shoulder and he was texting someone in his DMs!!" Zach laughs
"Okay I would say give it back but now I'm interested." Corbyn smirks
"Common!! Back me up, Alex!" Daniel pleads
"Nah this is Grade A entertainment!" I laugh
"HAHA!! Yes!" Zach laughs
Daniel runs after Zach and they dash off into the living room
"Why does it sound like a mad house already?" Jack says as he walks in
"NOODLE HAIR!!" I exclaim
"ALEX!!!" He yells
I laugh and then get off my stool to hug him.
"Y'all saw each other like how long ago?" Jonah laughs
"Come at me Bro!!" I yell
"Do your worst!!!" Jonah scoffs
With that I jump away from Jack and begin to walk over
"What're you gonna do, Alex?" Jonah challenges
I know he's expecting a fight so instead I hug him and say
"Hug you, Marais."
"Well isn't that just soooo sweet!!" Corbyn laughs in a girl voice
I'm about to say something when there's a loud thud and then a
"What was that??" I Ask
"That my friend was Zach Falling because Daniel probably tackled him." Corbyn says
"Well, we can't miss the show common!" Jack yells
We walk into the living room and see Zach being sat on by Daniel. Zach is holding the phone above his head just out of Daniels reach.
I guess Daniel has given up so he's just sitting on Zachs stomach looking defeated and sweaty.
"How's it going, Seavey?" I ask
"Shut it, Stevenson." He scoffs
"How rude!!" I exclaim
"I think you'll live. Considering you're smiling." Daniel retorts
I roll my eyes and glance at Zach.
His cheeks are red and he seems really out of breath. His hair is messed up and even though Daniel is really skinny Zach can't move.
"Well, have Fun boys. I'm going to go watch the next episode of The Flash with out Corbyn." I laugh
At this Corbyn springs up and follows me out.
At the last minute I poke my head back in and say
"By the way, Nice hair Zach."
There's an eruption of laughter and then a
"So are we actually gonna watch The Flash?" Corbyn asks
"Nah. I just wanted to get away from the madness that is contained within this house." I reply
"Well you're out of luck, Sweetheart, cuz you brought one of the weirdest guys upstairs with you." Corbyn laughs
I look at him strangely and then he tackles me.
Of course I fight back and we're in a full blown wrestling match until the door opens to reveal Jonah.
"You know what... I'm not gonna ask." He says "also get your lazy butts off the floor. Logan's coming over."
"Fineeee!!! But we're not Done, Besson. I will win!" I exclaim
"You're on Princess. But you should know, I always win!" Corbyn laughs
"You two are really weird, ya know that." Jonah says from the doorway
"Yeah Of course I know!!" I yell
Corbyn and I eventually get dressed and for some weird a$s reason we both dress in White Vans, a black sweatshirt and black jeans
"Nice Vans." I laugh
"Why thank you m'lady." Corbyn smirks
We end up staying as twins because why not. And we're also too lazy to get changed
We both walk downstairs and then Jack yells
Daniel looks up from his phone and starts laughing.
I'm about to defend myself when Logan runs in.
He has his fake gun out so he goes around and shoots all of us and then when we're all dead he yells
After we all calm down, We all stand there awkwardly until Logan pulls a plate randomly out of his pants and throws it on the floor.
The broken ceramic peices go everywhere and one flys into my face, just underneath my eye.
"Owwwwwww!!" I yell
"Oh my god!! Alex!" Corbyn yells
Bloods is pouring down my face and I try to wipe at it but it just gets in my eye and now I can see out of my right eye.
Someone, I guessing Corbyn picks me up and puts me on the couch.
I come to a realization that the couch is white and so I throw my self off the couch and onto the floor.
"What are you doing, Alex!?" Daniel yells
"The couch is White! My blood will stain it!!" I yell
"No body cares about the damn couch, Alex." Logan says
I'm scooped up and put back on the couch.
The blood won't stop and I'm starting to feel lightheaded.
"Guys!! We gotta get her to the hospital!!!" Someone yells
"Alex... Don't worry you'll be okay." A voice that sounds like Corbyn Says
And with that I fall into the void of darkness.
When I wake I'm still on the couch. However, it's pitch black and there's blood everywhere. I'm walking towards the kitchen when I hear a loud scream followed by my name. I sprint up stairs and come across flys. Their everywhere, covering everything. I gasp and slowly back away. All of a sudden the come towards me. They attach to my skin like glue and they fill my lungs. I gasp for air and scream. But no one hears me. And no one comes to my rescue.
I'm still screaming when I hit the floor. It's pitch black. I stand up and get my bearings. I feel along the walls and come to the conclusion that I'm in a hall way. As I walk down this hallway I begin to hear groans of wood. It creaks with each step I take. Then it all goes silent. And I'm left in dead silence. Then without warning the floor gives away and I'm free falling. Air fills my lungs as I scream. All of a sudden it begins to hail. All around me it hails. The hail scrapes at my arms and legs. The ice pricks at my limbs and I begin to bleed. The blood oozes from my new wounds. My head burns. I feel like I've been shot. Then my body hits the ground. I force my eyes open. I'm on a road in the middle of no where. Then a huge truck comes hurtling towards me. I try to move but I can't. It's like I'm cemented in place. When the truck hits, I feel like I'm being shattered into a million peices. The right side of my face pours blood. Just underneath my eye is where it bleeds. I roll on the dirt. Dust gets in my wounds and makes them burn.
All of a sudden I'm falling. I'm falling and falling. When I land again I don't have the strength to open my eyes. Instead I stay on the ground and fall deeper into this terrible void of darkness they call a dream.

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