Stevenson and Camera Rolls

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Daniel's POV
Around 9 am the next day, Jonah calls me.
His news hits me like a train.
Alex is in the hospital.
Zachs POV
20 minutes after Corbyn told me the news, Daniel rushes in.
Okay I think he didn't talk to the eceptionist because a security guard is chasing him.
Jonah jumps up and explains that Daniel is another brother of Alex's.
The security guard asks us some personal questions then
"Who's the oldest?" He asks
"I am." Jonah says to him "And you're all related? The only person in doubting is this blonde over here." The guy to Corbyn.
"Oh That's Her step brother, sir His dad married into the family-" I eplain until he cuts me off
"I don't need the details kid." He says putting a hand up
"So you're all Stevensons?" The guy asks
"Yes we are. All except Corbyn." Jack jumps in
"Whats he?" The guy asks
"He's a Besson." Jonah says
"I want all of your names Kids. This is for security and this one dashed in here like he owned the place." He says glancing at Daniel.
"I'm Zach Stevenson." I say as he jotts down my name
"I'm Jonah Stevenson"
"I'm Jack Stevenson"
"Im Daniel Stevenson"
"And I'm Corbyn Besson."
The guy gives us a curt nod and walks out
I sink into my chair and stare at Alex.
She lays in the hospital bed so pail and hooked up to different beeping machines.
Daniel's face is pail and he looks as though he'd throw up.
Then Alex's words come back to me.
The words she wanted me to tell Daniel.
"Daniel can I tell you something?" I ask
He looks up and nods
"Alex she, she told me to tell you this...
She says She's sorry and she wanted to say something else but she went out before she could." I say
Daniel's face turns from surprise to anger to shame in just 5 seconds
"T-This is My fault. I argued with her and upset her. Whatever her disease does to her, it spiked when I yelled." Daniel trembles
"No, Daniel. Alex forgives-" Jonah gets cut off
"I don't care!! She's in a hospital bed because of me!!!" Daniel exclaims shooting out of his chair
"Calm down, dude we can't be-" Corbyn starts
"No. I want to be left alone and i better not see any of you coming after of me." Daniel snaps and then walks out if the room
I get halfway up but words stop me
"Let him go. He needs time, Zach." Jack says staring at the ground
I sink back into the chair and lean my head back.
My eyes close and soon I'm being tapped on the shoulder by Jack.
"Comon' we're going back to the hotel to see where Daniel went." He whispers
"Okay I'll be right out." I reply
I stand up and slip Alex's phone into my pocket. Hopefully someone knows her code so we can update fans and tell them Alex won't be on her social media for awhile.
When we get back to the hotel I flopon the bed and pull Alex's phone out of my pocket.
Corbyn unlocks it for me and I post this on her Snapchat
"Alex Won't be on social media for a while there was a problem the WDW boys will try to update you."
Then I tweet pretty much the same thing on Twitter and then I post a screen shot of the snapchat story on her Instagram.
I plug her phone in and set it down.
It lights up and says
"Battery Charging 43%"
I stare at her lock screen. The screen is a picture of all of us sitting on a park bench laughing at me who has whipped cream on my nose. The photo was taken at a shoot not too long ago.
I smile down at the phone and unlock it again. This time I got though her photos.
Most of them are of us or her or all of us together. A few have Logan or Jake in them but most of her camera roll are of us. I continue to go back until I come across Alex and a girl I've never seen before.
Maybe shes an old friend. I think to my self
As I go back I hit 2014 and I find an old picture of Alex and this guy.
They're facing each other laughing with their hands intertwined.
The guys eyes are green. But not just any green. They're a piercing emerald green. Green Eyes doesn't look very kind, he looks judging, as though he doesn't love Alex for who she is.
I glance at Alex. Her hair is dyed blonde and she's wearing way too much makeup. As for her clothes she's wearing a short crop top and tight jean shorts.
All these changes makes me wonder...
Who is Alexandra Marie Stevenson and who did she used to be?

Word Count- 845

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