Chapter 4: Old Friend, Old Enemy

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Rose's POV:
       As me and Scar were looking at the moon together, another wolf appeared from the shadows of the South region. He had a black and white pelt, with red eyes like fire. Then I saw Scar look behind herself and then she immediately began to growl under her breath, which I didn't understand why, but I had only one question on my mind. ' Do these two have history?'

Scar's POV:
        I saw Rose look behind us and I started to get worried, ' What if my alpha or hers had found us?!' I thought. I was really worried to turn around, but as I did I realized that it was worse than both of our alpha's finding us combined! I immediately growled under my breath facing the wolf in front of us, baring a fang, just in case he tried anything.

No one's POV:
       The mysterious wolf finally spoke to the two wolves in front of him, "Hello, my name is Ghost, I'm the beta of the Southern region. How do you two fine ladies do?" The three wolves looked at each other in silence.
      Scar bared a fang, Rose stood close to Scar, and Ghost had an evil grin on his face. Then Ghost broke the silence, " Nice to see you again old friend." Ghost said looking at Scar. Rose then looked at Scar with a confused expression on her face when Scar finally said, " More like old enemy!"

How do Scar and Ghost know each other?! Keep reading to find out! 🐺

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