Two teenage girl wolves meet under the moonlight and become friends. Later on in their friendship, feelings begin to grow. But there are obstacles getting in the way of discovery and confession. Will they over come these obstacles? READ IT TO FIND O...
Rose's POV: I followed Scar into her territory after we got past the guards. 'I can't believe she stood up for me like that' I thought. Me and Scar then went to the highest peak and entered a cave. "Oh My God!!!" I exclaimed, looking around the cave.
(The cave is the one in the picture)
"Who's cave is this?!" I asked excited and nervously. Scar then sighed and said,"It's my father's" she said sadly. "Where's your dad?" I asked. "He... um passed away along with the rest of my family." "Oh! I never knew, I'm sorry. I thought this was-" "The alpha's?" Scar ask. I nodded my head in response. Scar then sighed and went up the cave hills and bounced off the cave walls to get to the top hill.
She then sat at the top hill looking up to see the moon. "It should have been me" she said, "What should have been you?" Scar then sighed then turned to me with a paw on my paw. She then looked into my eyes and smiled. "I guess it's time you knew about my family."
Scar's POV: I looked at Rose's beautiful ocean blue eyes and started to tell her my past. "My father was the Alpha of this pack. He was a strong and wise leader, he did anything to help his pack become stronger, faster and smarter pack. But when my mother gave birth to me and I got scratched, the pack thought I was weak! My mother then died from a sickness when I was just a young pup and then my father died 5 years ago because of old age. Storm, our beta, then became Alpha, even though I was next in line. Storm then assigned me omega because of his 'respect' for my father. And now the only thing I inherited from my father is this cave." I then curled up in a spot where my father used to hold me when I was scared and I cried. I then felt Rose's presence against me as she turned to face me.
"I'm really sorry about your family, but I'm here for you now. I hope you know that." She said as she blushed lightly and turned to face the lake inside the cave. I then licked her check, "Thank you Rose, and I am here for you too!" I said as I fell asleep with my head resting on her back.
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(This is the position their in)
Rose's POV: 'She just kissed me!!' I thought with pure excitement, but managed to hold it in. I then felt Scar put her head on me and fall asleep. 'Cute' I thought as I heard her snoring. I then fell asleep and waited for morning light.
Srry for not writing high school just started! See you next chapter! 🐺🐱🐞❤️