Two teenage girl wolves meet under the moonlight and become friends. Later on in their friendship, feelings begin to grow. But there are obstacles getting in the way of discovery and confession. Will they over come these obstacles? READ IT TO FIND O...
Scars POV: I was woken up by someone shaking me, like the dead had come back to life. I groaned and opened my eyes to Scarlett looking down at me. "Come on. Let's get to hunting." She said. I stretched and looked over at Rose. She looked so beautiful and peaceful when she slept, it was like an angel kissed her. I licked her cheek and whispered that I would be back with breakfast. I saw her stir in her sleep, but smile. I chuckled a little the followed Scarlett, out of the territory, and into the hunting grounds. As we were near the lakes, Scarlett all of the sudden splashed water in my face and began to attack. ( Watch animation, go to end we start up from there)
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As Scarlett was on top of me, she began to laugh. "Your fighting skills are good, but not to good. If I was an enemy, I would have killed you by now." She said as she got off of me and I sat up. "I know about your power Scar." "What power?! I don't have any power?!" I question yelled at her. "Then how do you explain your strength to be able to lift and kill that cougar?" She asked smirking. "I... well... um.." I stuttered. I didn't know how to explain it. "Exactly. I will teach you. To wield and control that power. Beginning now!" She then attacked me again, but I did better that time. We kept doing running and fighting drills and for our breaks, we meditated. We left at 8, it is now 12, lunch time. By the time we got back to the cave, I was so winded that I fell to the cave floor. Rose then came over to me and helped me to the hot springs in the cave. When your father was the alpha, you get the best cave. As I soaked, Scarlett scoffed. "You did well today, but you still need to improve. We'll do it again tomorrow." I groaned and just continued to soak. "Why are you doing this?" Rose asked concerned. I was about to assure her, but Scarlett beat me to it. "Because of the prophecy." She stated. "Prophecy?! What Prophecy?!" Both me and Rose asked in unison.
And that's for another chapter. Srry for it being short, but you know school and stuff. See you next chapter!!