Chapter 3- All fun and games till someone gets hurt...

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A/N: Might need some thing to wipe your eyes with...

So we arrived at the beach and it's a beautiful day it was like 40•c + outside so we brought coolers with food and drinks in them to cook us if and when we get hungry.

"It's so hottttt outside!!" Meghan said. "Relax Meghan you can get in the water when we get there" I replied. "What are you going to do?" Daniel asked me. "Tan... and maybe go in the water." I say looking away. I only looked away because my dad died in the ocean.... Ik not this specific one... but he did I wasn't even born yet. So I have a "step dad" now and well... Ever since I was born actually. I don't think I've told Meghan this, this is a personal thing my mom told me when I was 10years old thinking that Adam was my real dad, (Adam is the step dad) I don't like talking about it or what happened either. "Ohh.." Daniel said seeing that I didn't want to speak.

On the sand, where we found a spot.

Zach and Meghan went in the water together after she took the mini dress off and he took his t shirt off. (Yes, if you are asking Meghan was watching him. But in her defence he was looking at her😂) And Corbyn and his girlfriend went in the water as well. Then I got my towel and sunscreen, took my dress off and felt eyes on me then when I turned around Jack, Daniel, and Jonah look to the side, I gave them that stink eye though. //that I saw you look// Then I asked them "Do any of you want to help me put this on?" Holding the sunscreen, (you know no one likes getting burnt like a potato duh) then Jack and Daniel get up at the same time, Jonah is just listening to music so he didn't hear yet even care ily Jonah😂😂 Daniel saw Jack standing up and he had that feeling like ohh ok I see😉 and played it off by stretching and sitting back down😂 so I put on the sunscreen on my front and Legs, Jack rubbed it on my back. "Can I just say, I think you would be a good massager" I said to Jack. "Why thank you mam" he said while laughing. Then I lay my towel on the floor, and play music with the earphones Daniel gave me back😂 then I see Daniel lay next to me with his towel so I take one earphone out and say "what are you doing?" Then he looked at me and said "so you like Jack hmmm? It's obvious!" He said smiling. "Shut up Dani!" I said to him covering his mouth. He removed my hand and said "relax he's in the water" then laughed. "Oh ok you can go now" I said being sarcastic, then he actually left? Did he not know I meant it sarcastically? So then I close my eyes and turn upwards facing the sun.


"WHAT THE HELL" I get up and yell. "Chill Isy it's just water!" Meghan said. "Omg just water? Yah cold water!😂" I said as I laughed. Then she was like "it was a dare from Corbyn." Ohh hey truth or dare sounds fun! Then I see Jack coming towards me from the water and hugs me. "OMG STOP! YOUR COLD!" I say, but still loving him yet knowing he did that on purpose... "Come in the water it's really nice!" Jack asked me. "Nah I'm okay..." I say rubbing my arm. "Trust me. Please do it for me!" He looked at me with his hand reaching out to me. At this moment I forgot everything, and just walked with him. "I won't let anything bad happen to you Isabella" he said. So u actually swam for a bit and nothing did happen to me.

it was weird seeing Isabella in the water... When ever we even go to a pool she won't go in. But she was with Jack. Aw I think Jack makes her happy:) I would so love it if they dated, I think they like each other even after seeing him with her and I saw when he went to go hug her it was adorable!! LIKE DATE ALREADY! And me and Zach, come on Zach take a hint DATE ME!

(Back to Isabella)
So we were all eating at this point until I opened my mouth. "Hey guys!" Causing everyone to look at me. "Want to play truth or dare?!!" And everyone agreed!! "Ok Isabella since you wanted to play... Truth or dare?" Corbyn asked me. "Truth" I said. "Who do you think is the cutest here?" Corbyn then said again having everyone looking at me... IDK SHOULD I SAY JACK?! OMG😁 whatever I'll just say Jack, like as friend. AS A FRIEND PLEASE MORE LIKE A BOYFRIEND. "Uh Jack... AS A FEIEND THOUGH... Moving on?" I said. "Ohh Jack my boy. Your a lucky man!" Corbyn jokes around. Then we kept on playing. Until it was Daniel'd turn... Everything went down hill. "Daniel, truth or dare?" Jonah asked. "Dare bring itttttt," Daniel replayed with. "I dare you to jump off those rocks into the water." AND LET ME TELL YOU THOSE ARE SLIPPERY AND BIG! "No, don't do it! Daniel you'll get hurt!" Jack said. "What its just jumping..." Daniel said as he ran. "I'm going with him just in case!" Jack said running after Daniel. Then all I see is Jack talking to Daniel "arguing" if you must, and OMG DANIEL! He jumped and Jack was yelling "HELP! HELP! MY FRIEND HE SLIPPED AND HURT HIMSELF HE CANT SWIM LIKE THAT!" So all of a sudden we saw Jack and first aid go to Daniel! "OH MAN IF I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN I WOULDN'T HAVE GAVE HIM THE DARE ITS ALL MY FAULT." Jonah said freaking out. Then Meghan and Zach went to check on them all. And they came running back... "GET THE CAR WE HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!" They said. Jack went with Daniel in the ambulance...

At the hospital...
We went to go and see Daniel in the hospital bed...

"He broke his right leg and sprained his left wrist. In this case he is very lucky it could've been his spinal cord or in other works his spine." A doctor said. So we all walked in the room to see Daniel, he was smiling as always even though bad things were happening.

"Hey guys, nothing's impossible! I did it!" Daniel said. "Barley!" Jack said. "You didn't get hurt Jack?" I asked. "Noah in professional bro" he said. "Oh ok then" I said again😂

Thank god for Daniel, he's ok and even though he has a broken leg and sprained wrist:)

Thank god for Daniel, he's ok and even though he has a broken leg and sprained wrist:)

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So we all went home to find out that...

A/N- ilysm you'll find out what they will find out!! //word count- 1175💛

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