Chapter 9- Girls day

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The next day...

I ate breakfast, took a shower, and got dressed...

Wait a minute?!... this isn't a regular morning...

"Meghan?!" I yelled up the stairs. "Yes?!" She said from upstairs. "Where are the boys?" I asked. "Oh Zach texted me saying that they're hanging with a man named Logan today. Didn't Jack text you?" She said. "Well I haven't been on my phone!" I said laighing, then ran up then stairs to check my phone.

And I see a text from Jack & Daniel😂 So I read Jack's first...

J- Hey Isabella, good morning love! Today we are going out with our friend Logan for a few hours♥️ Maybe you and Meghan can do something together! All with love. ~Jack💗

I- Aw ily! Ok but I just hope we get to hangout later, like a movie night?😂❤️


Then Daniel's😂...

D- Hi Isy, Just letting you know we will be out with a friend today sorry we couldn't see you earlier💛

I- okay😂 That's fine lol😂

D- Ok cya later🤘🏻

I- CYA!!😋

"They texted me right back" I said laughing. "Wow not even Zach texted back yet" Meghan said laughing. "Wow... but hey!! want to do something today?" I asked her. "Uh YES!! You know what I'm thinking?!!" She said. "Let me think (smirk)... SHOPPING?!" I said. "YESS!" She said.

So we went on a girls day to the mall.

Meghan and I shopped for about two hours, and now it's time to eat... "Mmm... want some chicken and rice?" Meghan said. (She loves Chicken😂) "That sounds good" I said and smiled at her. So we ordered our food and talked... "So how's your relationship going with Zach?" I asked Meghan. "I couldn't be happier!" She said while chomping on her chicken😂 "So... How's your relationship going with Jack?-- "Hi guys, sorry my name is Julia, I was just wondering if you guys know where the bathroom is?" She said interrupting Meghan's question. "Of course, we can walk you" I said. "Thank you!" Julia said.

So Meghan and I got our food trays, threw out our garbage and walked Julia to the bathroom.

"Hey you guys look very familiar... Like, have we met before??" Julia said. "No" Meghan and I say at the same time. "I guess we just have those faces... you know" I said. "I guess so... Hey want to hang out later?!" Julia said. "To do what?" Meghan asked. "I don't know, I'm new and want to make friends, and you guys seem really nice" Julia said. "Well you can sleepover at our house... Oh and by the way I'm Isabella and that's Meghan." I said. "Oh that's perfect!" Julia said.

So we waited for Julia to finish up and then drove to our house... It was around 9:45pm so I took my pill and gave Julia a pair of my pyjamas.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Julia asked. "I don't know... want to watch a movie?" Meghan said. "Sure why not" I said. "So what movie do you guys want to watch between, Mean Girls, F The Prom, or Twilight" I asked. "TWILIGHT!" Meghan said. "What would you like Julia?" I asked. "I guess we could watch Twilight" Julia said.

So I put on Twilight and heard a knock on the door? "I'll get it!" I said.

So I opened the door...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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