Chapter 4- I want to go home

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Thank god we could bring Daniel back home! But we came back to see a man  with his daughter at their house. (Ik yesterday was Aspen's bday but I had no time to write)

Omg she's so pretty! My first thoughts on her lol, I just home she's nice:) "Daniel buddy what happened!" Aspen said. "Oh it's just a broken leg and sprained wrist ya know, the usual," he said smiling. "Oh ok" she said laughing, then went up to Jack.... "Hey Jack! How's it been!" she said. I can tell she was so flirting with him. "Hey, what's you guys' names?" She then asked Meghan and I. "I'm Isabella and this is my best friend Meghan." I said pointing to Meghan. "Wow I love you guys names, I'm Aspen, their managers daughter." She said smiling. "Oh ya happy birthday Aspen" Jack said. Of corse he would say that. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASPEN" all the boys say at once. "AWWW I love all you guys so much!" Aspen replied with.

Then we all went inside to celebrate, she's really nice and pretty! I hope to be friends with her one day:) after we all celebrated, sang happy birthday and everything, it was around 11:00pm lol!! After talking to Corbyn's girlfriend for a little bit and Meghan with us as well... I decided to go look for Daniel, just to see what he's up to aha. So I walk to see... OMG!

I ran out of that area as fast as I can. There goes the lump in my throat... I'm not gonna cry. I see Daniel so I waved to him and left the house.

I saw Isabella run out but her eyes were very glossy. She waved at me... But she just sprinted out, I wonder what happened... So I texted her.
D- Isabella what happened it looked like you were about to cry...
D- text back when you get the chance or I can come over anytime...
D- goodnight💓

(back to Isabella)
I could not stand seeing that happen!! Ugh. I saw a few messages from Daniel but I powered off my phone till further notice. I can't do anything. I'm powerless.

I don't see Isy around, I think she left, but wouldn't she tell me? Idk so the first person I go to is Zach... "Zach, have you seen Isabella?" I asked him. "Oh no, I haven't seen her. I can help you look though!" He says getting excited, he's so cute uhhhhhhh! "Ok, you ask Corbyn and Jonah, I'll ask Jack and Daniel." I said. "Ok, that will do princess." He said and then winked and walked away.. FKXBSBBA THAT WINK KILLED MY INSIDE OMG HOT!! Ok focus on looking for Isy!!😂 first I look for Daniel... "DANIEL!" I yelled out to get his attention. "Have you seen Isabella?" Then he looked at me... "Yes, but I didn't see where she was going she smiled and waved at me... her eyes were glossy though." He said. "Ok I'll just text her and in the mean time I'll look for Jack." I said.
Then I go off to look for Jack... I got down the stairs to see in the living room that... Aspen is playing with Jacks hair. I listen in... "Aspen! What are you doing?" Jack said. "Oh, nothing. Your really cute you know." She said back. "Stop it Aspen! I like someone else. Listen to me!" Jack said. OMG WHAT UF HE LIKES ISABELLA! OMG!!!! "Who?" Aspen asked. "Not you, I'm sorry. I like someone" he then said. "Ok, but just so you know letting go of me is a big mistake. Once I find her. You will regret!" Aspen then says while getting up. "What are you doing here?" Aspen said to me. "Um I didn't hear anything, as you can see I just came down the stairs aha" I say laughing. Then she gave me that face like okay then... Oh well at least she knows I'm not suspicious hehe!! "Oh hey, Meghan." Jack said while touching the back of his neck. "OMG JACK ARE THOSE HIC-- I yell by accident, but he interrupted me. "Shhhhhhh! And yah. I did not enjoy them tho..." Then I look at him. "Jack, would you be mad if I said that I was listening...." I said while rubbing my arms. "What? You were. Embarrassing!" He said while rolling his eyes. "Who's the lucky girl?" I asked. ISY! ISY! ISY! Kept on going through my mind... "Someone I care about... But I'm scared I hurt her already." Jack said. "Please tell me! And how if you were just with Aspen?" I questioned him. "Please don't tell her though. And I know she doesn't like me... But-- "WHO THIS IS GETTING INTENS- Jack covered my mouth. "Come with me to the living room." He said to me. "Oh okayyy" hmmm I thought. "So pinky promise you won't tell!" He said. I died a little laughing inside. "You do pinky promises?!" I laughed out. "Growing up with girls" he said rolling his eyes. "Fine, pinky promise, when I do those I mean them buddy! Your lucky!😂" I said. "Isabella... But I saw the hurt in her eyes something happened..." He said. And when he told me what he saw and what happened.. I felt so bad for her! Omg😭

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