Chapter 7- Heart Break?

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💭💭So we were in the car on the way to the restaurant and my phone buzzed?
U- Ohh this is gonna be good.
I- What do you want from me?
U- Your dating Jack!
I- So? Plus how did you get my number?
U- A little bird named Meghan... He's mine so back off! I've already warned Aspen and she backed off. You should too unless you want to end up like what I did to her...
U- ...
I- Who are you to Jack anyways?
U- His girlfriend!
I- What? I am. how is that possible?
U- hmmmm...
I-Is Jack cheating on me?
U- idk.
I- What's your name anyways?
U- I'm never telling you.

Ok I'm really mad right now. But I am never going to be the girl that left that small town...

"Always on that phone Isabella" Jack said, then said again, "What's wrong?" Then I looked at him and said, ("ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?") "Nothing much, just my mom checking in on me" and looked away, right away.


U- Heart break time.

Great. I might even loose my boyfriend tonight. I deserve it I am lying to him...

"Table for 8" The waiter said. "Yes, thank you." Jack said. So we all sat, Meghan, Zach, Jack, Me, Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn, and Christina. In that order. Then we order all our food and ate altogether. "Isabella?" Daniel said sitting beside me. "Yeah?" I said. "You look really nice today" He said. "Oh so your saying I don't look nice every other day?" I said then laughed. "Wow" he said. "Just kidding. Thanks Dani" I said. "I'm just going to the washroom I'll be right back" Jack said smiling. "Ok" we all said.


U- Where's Jack going to after the washroom?...
I- What?
U- hehe

That's odd... I thought to myself as I put my phone away...

"It's been 10minutes where Jack guys?" Jonah said. "I'll go check the washroom." Zach said. I just sat there in fear. "Call him!" Daniel said. Then I lifted Jacks phone. "Ohh." Daniel said. "He's not there." Zach said coming back from there. "BOO!" Jack said scaring everyone. I even screamed. "JACK!! OMG I THOUGHT YOU GOT HURT OR SOMETHING!" I said. Then realizing I was in a restaurant... "Relax I'm fine aha" Jack said sitting down. Then I hugged him tight. "You scared me!" I said, still hugging him. "Ok guys I think we can go now." Jonah said. So we payed and went outside. "So who's Hong in who's car?" Corbyn said. "I'm going with Corbyn." Christina said. "Obviously" Zach said laughing. "Ok Daniel, Zach, and Meghan can come with me." Jonah said. "Ok, then let's go Isabella" Jack said. "Ok" I said. "Bye Isy!" Daniel said. Then I turned around and waved to him.

In the car...
"So..." I said. "What's up?" Jack said looking at me and the road. "Nothing much just- never mind" I said. "What is it?" He said. "About the phone... This girl texted me saying that she's your girlfriend..." I said looking down. "A lot of girls claim that their dating me!" Jack said laughing. "This is supposed to be funny?" I said. "We'll just, I'm only dating you..." Jack said. "Okay, as long as your telling the truth." I said smiling...


U- break up with him! or one of the boys gets it!

OMG I can't do this! But I don't want anyone hurt either!

"Which Your not..." I said. "What do you mean we just started dating yesterday! Isabella please stop!" He said. "We have to break up." I said. "WHAT!" He said hitting the breaks. "Sorry it's all me. Not you, your perfect." I said. "Wait! I can change! Is this because of Daniel? you like him? Please I'll change for you!" He said begging me to stay. "You don't have to change your perfect! And I don't like Daniel! It's just this is the right thing I feel like right now is best." I said while getting out of the car. (Yes I was home) "you deserve better, I'm not good. Trust me." I said shutting the car door and ran inside my house balling my eyes out. "Woah what's wrong?" Meghan asked me. I didn't want to say anything I just ran upstairs and locked my door and gone to bed.
I- There you go!
U- Very (:
I- ugh.
I- there I did as you said. Don't talk to me again.
U- Don't talk to the boys again! They are mine.
I- you wish, they aren't toys!
U- We'll see...

Then I dozed off in bed.

{The next morning...}
I woke up and it was 6:30am, great. Well I guess I'm gonna go for my run I've forgotten to anyway the couple days have been crazy. So I went down stairs got earphones and of corse my phone and off I went to run.

As I cross the boys house I see--💭💭

A/N- Great way to cliffhanger this one, sorry it's really short though. // word count: 856💛

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