Chapter 6- Sunny days

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with Zach? your okay?" I said shocked. "Isabella? I'm fine!" Meghan said laughing causing Zach to laugh as well. "It's 10:00 pm Zach? What are you still doing?" I asked laughing. "I just can't get enough of my girl, Meghan." he said winking to Meghan. "She's right Zach, see you tomorrow?" Meghan said. "Yeah, maybe we can all go to the beach tomorrow again(;" Zach said. "Oh yah, but remember what happened to poor Daniel.. but yeah it will be really fun see you there!" I say pushing Zach outside. "Wait!" Zach said. "Wha-- of corse he kisses Meghan... "I'll let you two be you two!" I say walking to the stair case, until Zach asked me something... "Wait? weren't you and Jack supposed to hang out today, he couldn't stop talking about how excited he was to be with you?" "If lying to me is excited because that's not excited to me..." I said whispering so only I can hear, I didn't even turn around. I ran straight upstairs and washed up and went to bed crying. I'm a mess...

"Isabella? what were you thin- I go up stairs but she's asleep so I stopped yelling at her. I'll wake her up tomorrow morning to go to the beach with the boys.

Oh no! do you think she's mad at me for telling the unknown person why she actually moved. I hope not though...

{The next morning...}

"Isy? wake up. We are going to the beach with the boys remember?" I said gently shaking her. "what? what time is it?" She asked me. "It's 9:00 am, we have to leave at 10:00 am!" I say to her. "ughhh I don't really want to go! Will Daniel be there?" She asked. "Yes, and YOUR boyfriend Jack! so lets go" I say. "OKAY I'll be down in 5!" she said.

{so we went to buy breakfast then went to the beach.}

(back to Isabella)
I see Jack!! "JACK!" I yell while running into his arms. "Isabella! Feel better love?" He asked me. "Now that I'm looking at you, Yes!" I said. "Hi Daniel!" I said. and gave Daniel a hug. "Hey! how are you?" Daniel asked me. "Good" I said smiling. So then I went to go sit beside Jack, which was also beside Jonah. Then I went to go play volleyball with Jack, Daniel and Corbyn.


"Isabella your phone is ringing!" I yell out to Isabella. "Who Is it?" Isabella asked me while she was running to me. "Some guy named Adam? Hey that's funny, my dad's name is Adam!" I said. "Oh he's my stepdad." Isabella said. "Wow, okay this is funny" I said. This is really freaky. "I'll answer it!" Isabella said.

(back to Isabella)

A- Hi Isabella, it's your stepdad Adam just checking on you!
I- I'm fine, I'm actually just at the beach with a couple of friends-- WHERE'S THE SUNSCREEN?! um I'm actually here with one of them, want to talk to him while I find the sunscreen? (dying of laughter)
A- Um okay, just to see who your hanging with up there.

(I pass the phone to Jonah)

A- Hello I'm Isabella's stepdad, Adam
J- Hello sir--
J- DAD?!
A- Jonah?! Oh man we haven't talked for a long time!
J- I know since... mom took me... I was pretty young but still remembered what you sounded like.
A- Yeah.
J- So does that make me?... Step siblings with Isabella?!
J- Okay dad I'll explain everything to her. Bye.

(back to Isabella)

"What just happened?!" I asked Jonah. "That's my real dad, I live with my mom so I haven't seen my dad for years, since I was 3 years old." He said. "Oh I'm sorry... I saw him everyday. I'm an only child, but now I am step siblings with you, The Jonah Marais! Wait, if your last name is Marais? Why isn't your dad's last name Marais?" I asked him. "It's my moms last name after divorcing my dad, she wanted to change it." He said. "Oh... That's why aha" I said. "Hey what's going on here?" Jack asked us. "We just found out that we are step siblings-- "WOAH" Jack said interrupting me. "Now you have two men watching over you" Jack said smirking. "Make that three aha" Daniel said. "Aww you guys are all like brothers to me, except you Jack I love you as my boyfriend."

"Make that all of us, we all got your back!" Corbyn said. "Awe you guys are the cutest omg" I said. "What's going on here? A get together?" Zach said holding Meghan's hand. "Ahh nothing much. So Meghan and you are a thing now hmmm?" Daniel said. "Well if she wants to say we are a thing then I guess so..." Zach said, then we all looked at Meghan curiously. "Yes of corse we are a thing, if we were 'friends' that would be awkward due to how many times we kissed aha!" Meghan said, then we all started laughing. Ahh man I love Meghan, she's my partner in crime what can I say😂

💭💭"Hey guys how about later we go on a double date?" Jack said. "But Daniel and Jonah aren't dating at the moment." I said. "Wait who's Jack dating?" Corbyn said. "Yeah?" Jonah said. "Me..." I said. "Nice" Corbyn said looking at Jack. "Aw you guys are so cute" Cristina said (Corbyn's girlfriend aka @//Beautychickee) "Ok tonight. It will be fun!!" Zach said. Then Jack drove me home. "So anything going on right now?" Jack asked me. "No." I said. "Okay, are you sure? Everything has come so fast for you..." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Jonah being your step brother... Dating me... It's overwhelming I get it. And if anything is wrong, let me know I'm here for you. I love you." He then said. So I smiled, then pecked him on lips. "I love you too. See you tonight?" I said. "Yes I'll pick you up at 7:15? I'll drive you, and if you want I'll drive Meghan and Zach, with you. Obviously." Jack said and rolled his eyes in a really cute way and laughed. "Ok I better start getting ready now, I love you Jack!!" I said. "Bye Isabella!" He said. So I walked inside. "Hey, who drove you home?" Meghan asked. "Jack. Zach brought you home?" I asked her. "Yah, he drives like a saint(: I love him so much." She said. "Aha so what are you wearing? I don't know what to wear?" I asked her. "Here. I'm wearing this." (Showed the dress)

"Which one do you want to wear?" Meghan said. Then showed me a pink dress with white stripes.
Then she showed me a red dress that was skin tight and was cut down the side: "This one?" She asked.

"I'm not looking for attention! I just want something cute and comfy..." I said. "I don't know... Hmmmmm" while Meghan was thinking I saw a dress to the side, it was a beautiful blue floral dress that I instantly fell in love with. "That's the one!" I said. "Omg yeah! I forgot about that one." Meghan said. And so that's the dress I went with on our date.

Then we waited for Jack and Zach to arrive. After like 5 minutes the door bell rang and Meghan and I opened the door to see Jack and Zach holding flowers and kneeling on one knee. "Aww you guys are cute" I said. "Aw are these flowers for us?" Meghan asked them. "No. They're for the the boys that we are kneeling on your door for." Jack said, causing Zach to laugh. "Nice, we got that these are for us. Get up this is torture!" I said laughing, causing everyone to laugh. (By everyone, I mean Jack, Zach, and Meghan aha) "ok let's go! Ladies first." Zach said, as Meghan and I stood and waited for them to go. "Haha we get it." Jack said sarcastically. So then off we went... 💭💭

A/N- more chapares coming soon... // Pay attention to the "💭💭" those are important!!// word count: 1381💛

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