Chapter 8- My dream

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💭💭As I cross the boys house I see--💭💭

"Isabella, please wake up! We need you..." I heard a voice say...

Then I opened my eyes.
"Daniel?" I said trying to talk. "YOUR AWAKE!" He said giving me the biggest hug ever. "What happened? And where am I?" I said realizing we weren't at home. "We are at the hospital... You got hit in the head pretty bad with a rock." He said. "Oh... Wait. Where's Jack?" I asked worried. "He's here, I just came in to see how your doing. He's really worried that you'll forget about everything." He said. "D- did we break up?" I asked. "No." He said. "Ok thank god, when did I pass out? Did we all go on a date?" I asked. "No. Although that would be a good idea. You passed out at the beach. A kid threw a rock but it went to your head instead of somewhere else, so I guess the beach isn't a good place for both of us." He said smiling. "Yep" I said. "Jack was really worried huh?" I asked. "Ya, so was I-- everyone else." Daniel said. "ISABELLA!" I heard Meghan and Jack say running in through the door. "Hey guys!" I said. "Do you still remember me?!!" Jack said. Yes now it's time to throw in my acting skills! "Who are you?" I said smirking at Daniel, then quickly looked at Jack again. "No no no! I'm your boyfriend Jack Avery! Remember?" He said. "Ha just kidding Jack, I knew it was you! I was just acting bro" I said laughing. Then Jack gave me a big long hug that lasted about 10minutes, jeez what if I died😂 "I love you! Don't scare me like that!" Jack said letting go of me. "Guys she's my bestie I have to see her!" Meghan said. "Hey she's my bestie!" Daniel said laughing. "Oouuuu someone's jelly!" I said laughing. "How are you? Gucci?!" Meghan asked. "Oh you know just casually in a hospital bed, it's great! NO! ITS NOT GREAT! YOU WANT TO TRY BEING IN MY POSITION!" I said scaring her hehe. "Woah okay, clearly your not okay." Jonah said walking in. "Jonah!!" I said opening my arms for him to hug me, he did. I've never had any siblings, but I'm glad the I'm related to is Jonah :) "Thank god your okay!" Corbyn said coming in and giving me a hug. "You guys are all sweet but this isn't a funeral! I'm not dead guys I'm okay actually I can move everything." I said laughing. "Ok everyone she's there's good and bad news, which would you like first?" The doctor said coming in. "Bad news first..." I said. "The bad news is...." He said, making us all look at him... "The bad news is.... That you have to take one of these pills everyday until July 1st." He said hanging me a little jar. Considering today is only June 26th that's fine I would only be talking one everyday for only a week!! "The good news is, you can go home right now! You don't need a neck brace or anything, and as you said you can move everything perfectly fine. But come back June 30, just for a check up to see if you need more time with the pills or can stop using them a day early" the doctor said. "Thank you! That means a lot." I said to the doctor. "No problem, have a good week!" The doctor said, then walked out. "Yay! I can go home!" I said getting up, but sadly trip(; and fell on Jack. Don't worry he caught me. Clumsy me(; Whoops** "the second time you fall on me again." Jack said. "Yes I remember." (Chapter 2) I said. Then we all got out of the hospital. I drove back with Jack, Daniel, Meghan, and Zach in the car. "So guys guess who's birthday is on July 1st?" Zach said. "Who?" Meghan and I said. "Me!" Jack said laughing. "Yep he's turning 18! Yes man!" Daniel said. "Woah 18! I'm 16!" I said laughing. "Wait you guys didn't know Jacks bday?" Zach asked. "It's not like we searched Jack Avery up!" I said laughing. "But Meghan would search up Zach Herron." Daniel said making us all laugh. "Wow Meghan you really know how to get the man you want." Jack said laughing. He's so cute ugh!! I'm so grateful to be his girlfriend. "Ok here you go ladies!" Jack said. "Thanks Jack" Meghan said then gave Zach a goodbye kiss. "Ouuuu smooch time hehe!" Daniel said. "Aha bye Meghan I love you!" Zach said. "Bye love!" Meghan said. "Get good rest Isabella!" Daniel said. "Aha thanks Daniel!" I said while getting out of the car and giving him a hug through the window (I'm weird) then I walked to Jacks window and give him a kiss. "Bye guys! You guys can come over later for a movie night if you'd like! It's is only 5:00pm anyways. "Ok I'll be there!" Daniel said. "We will all be there!" Jack said. "Thanks guys I love you all bye!" I blew a kiss to the car and went inside. "So what movie?!" Meghan said as soon as I walked in. "I don't know?" I said. "Ouu something scary!" Meghan said. "Why? We both hate scary movies" I said. "Exactly. We won't even be watching just cuddling the boys." Meghan said. "I like the way you think!" I said.

Meanwhile at the boys house...

"Daniel?" I said. "Yes Jack?" He said. "Do you like Isabella or something?" I asked him. Because I do think he does but I'm his best friend so I don't want him to feel like he can't tell me if he does, like if he does, he does. She's dating me... "No we are just friends Jack." He said. "Oh. You know if you do, don't be afraid to tell me buddy. I'm your best friend, I'm here for you" I said. "I know, but don't worry! We are just friends I promise." Daniel said. "Haha guys I got Meghan! I'm the lucky one see ya losers!" Zach said running inside. He's the goofy one as you can tell. And he loves Meghan A LOT also as you can tell haha.

Back to Isabella and Meghan at their house...

(Back to Isabella)
"Ok they should be coming soon." I said. "Yep!!" Meghan said.

Ding dong**

"I got it!" Meghan said while opening the door. "Hi guys!" Meghan said. "Hey Meghan!" Zach said of corse first. "Wassup Meghan!" Jack said. "Hey besties bestie!" Daniel said as they all walked in. "Where's-- I said, but was lifted up off my feet and spun by Jack. "Isabella! Love!" Jack said then put me down. "Hi Jack!" I said and pecked his cheek. "Hey bestie!!" Daniel said with his arms wide open. "Wassup!" I said as I ran into his arms and gave him a hug. "Hey Isy!" Zach said. "Hi Zach!!" I said back. "Where's Jonah and Corbyn? I was meaning to ask but Jack lifted me up and spun me. "They had to go to a dinner with someone." Daniel said. "oh" I said. "So how about that movie! what are we watching?" Zach said. "Annabelle..." Meghan said. "WHA- I mean... wow! fun right!" I said looking down. I'm going to be hella scared. Then as we all took a seat and started the movie I whispered "hey who wants popcorn?" Then everyone said "me" so I said "Okay! Meghan I need help." trying to give her a hint, because I want to talk to her. "To make popcorn?" she said. "Just come!" I lipped at her. "I'll be right back..." Meghan said smiling.

In the kitchen...

"Hey! I was cuddling with Zach what the heck!" Meghan said. "What were you thinking? Annabelle?!" I said whispering so the boys don't hear. "Relax just look at Jack then. That's what I'm doing." Meghan whispered. "I know, I know, but you know I hate that movie I'm freaking scared." I said back. 

Then we went back to the living room with the boys and brought 2 bowls of popcorn...

yes we ate it all...

so it eventually got late and we all fell asleep.

But I feel a someone tapping me...

"What?" I whisper with my eyes closed. "Isy, don't you need to take a pill?" Daniel said. "Oh ya, what time is it?" i ask opening my eyes realizing that I was cuddled on Jack. "11:45pm and-" he said. "Don't say a thing." I said. "Okay!" he then said again. "wow I thought it was later..." I said falling on the couch again. "Are you okay?" Daniel said laughing. "Yep! great! I just can really move due to how tired I am." I said laughing and getting up. So I took my pill, then Zach, Jack, and Daniel left and Meghan and I went to bed.

A/N: ilygsm!♥️ Sorry for not posting earlier it's been so busy😂 But hey you can Stil, follow my Fanpage on Instagram @/whydxntwemxsic // word count: 1523💗

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