Chapter 5- Who are you?

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Meanwhile at Meghan and Isabella's house when that happened...

After Isabella and Daniel left, Zach came over... "Hey Meghan... Can I come in?" He asked at the door. "Yes of corse!" I said. "Look for yesterday... I kinda kissed you. Sorry if I scared you..." He said looking down. "Awwww Zach its okay, I actually enjoyed it, I just ran because I had to see if Isabella was okay" I said. "Oh really" Zach said, making his cheeks turn red and smile. So he came in and we started watching The Fault In Our Stars together and of corse had popcorn and cuddled in a blanket together((:

(back at the wdw house)

After that whole thing happened with Isabella and Jack I was so happy for her!! But there was a part of me that wasn't? I don't know why, Isabella and I are just best friends... Nothing more... Right?...

I still cannot believe I have a girlfriend! It's crazy! I can't believe someone like Isabella likes someone like me! I'm so happy I can't wait to spend time with her!

(back to Isabella)

Wow. That happened! Yay!! I have Jack, the boy I've wanted since I got here😂 that was surprisingly easy, I honestly thought he really liked Aspen... She really liked him!

Then I got a message¿

U- Hello Isabella.
I- Who are you?
I-Why do you know my name?
I- How did you get this number?
U- So many questions... Look, you must do as I say.
I- Why? what are you going to do if I don't😂
U- Hurt the ones you love!
I- Ok, who is that?
U- I'm not stupid! I'll hurt Why Don't We and your  best friend Meghan.
I- omg😶 who are you?
U- Never mind that, I will ruin you... I will get back at you for what you did.
I- what did I do? I just got here!
U- ...
U- Also don't tell anyone about this, or someone will get hurt.

Then I shut my phone off in fright... I'm so scared! Who can this be?! Why would they hurt the people around me! I don't even know what I did... So I started to head home...

Then I hear a bing from my phone again and I jump but checked who it was...

It was Jack😊

J- Hey Isabella! Want to meet me at the park today?
I- Yes! I would love that❤️
J- Ok see you in 5 minutes ily💞
I- ilym😊❤️

He's just the cutest I love him!!

So I decided to walk to the park then he will meet me there...
"Hey Isabella!" Jack said coming over... Then I waved back smiling.


U- I see you and Jack are together. This will be fun.

Omg why me?! "Hey I said. "How's my love?" He said. "Good" I say giving him a big hug, but inside, I was scared. "Whats wrong?" Jack asked me. "Nothing" I said.


U- Go ahead tell Jack why you really moved here...
I- Who told you?
U- That will stay between me and the person. Now go on... tell him. Unless you want someone to get hurt.

oh no... I can't tell Jack why I actually moved here. The only person who knows is Meghan... unless this unknown person... threatened her. "I think somethings wrong... who's texting you?" Jack said to me, i can see hurt in his eyes. "No one don't worry about it..." I say smiling. Then he looked at me and finally said something. "I have to get going anyways, there's... a meeting with the boys i have to get going to. See you around" Jack said smiling... I think he's lying about that 'meet with the boys' but at least i didn't have to tell him what happened to me.

while that was happening...

I was just watching the fault in our stars with Zach, until I got a text from an unknown number...

U- How did you and Isabella move here again?
M- What do you mean?
U- I think you know what it means.
M- We just moved here bc her parents and my parents thought it would be better for us both.
U- I'm not dumb! Someone will get it! tell me the real reason.

( I had to tell or I would be putting my friends lives to risk... )

U- Great. Now, don't tell anyone about this, or your friends will get it. 

Oh jeez. wow. That happened... I can't believe I did that to Isabella!!

(back to Isabella)

U- So I see you scared him off...
U- here comes Daniel.

I look up to see Daniel coming towards me, this person can't do this to me!!

"Hey Isabella i just saw Jack storming off? not that i was watching you or anything..." he said laughing. "He said you guys had a band meeting?" I said sliding up a brow. "Oh ya.. um we do! I forgot... i better get going!" He said standing up starting to go... ugh everyone hates me! it was all going fine until this text from this unknown person texts me! all I can say is that I moved here for a better life, I've changed...

I can't do this to Isabella... so I turned around, and gave her a hug... sorry Jack!! "Yeah we really don't have a meeting, I don't know why he would lie to you? please don't tell him that I'm here with you." I said. Well she is my best friend, I can't lie to her.

(back to Isabella)

So Jack didn't have a meeting? it's okay because he probably thinks I'm a liar, It's okay I think the same. I don't want to lie to him, but who ever this is this needs to stop! it's ruining everything! I don't even know what I did... "oh." I said. "I would never lie to you though, your my best friend Isabella." Daniel said. So I gave him a hug, he's so loyal I love him so much ugh!! <3

U- Tell Daniel you have to leave.
U- Better go check on Meghan...

I get out of the hug after I take out my phone to check while hugging him. "Ugh look at the time, I have to go sorry, bye Daniel!" I say while running home to see if anything happened...

I get home to see...

A/N: Thank you guys ilysm!! // word count- 1090❤️

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