Chapter 11

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I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKK with....A NEW UPDATE EEK AND SINCE I TOOK FORTY THOUSAND YEARS ILL RIGHT A LONG ONE. I'M HYPED ON CANDY SO RAWR. Ooh I need a Nickname for y'all what should it be? Comment. Tell meh what it should be. Alright Wuv Y'all Baii


"Are you Afraid" I ask afraid of her answer. "No. Well...Not anymore" she smiles. "Good I really don't want you to be afraid." I smile back "So are you the only one?" She asks interested "No my whole family is a family of super hero's. And the comic books people read. They're really real too. Well except Superman and Batman" I say completely telling the truth. "AWESOME" she screams and giggles. I smile, her laugh is so genuinely adorable and real. Unlike other girls at our school. *cough* Tara *cough*. "So Max. What's it like to have powers?" She asks "Hmmm well I get to be cooler for one" I say and she smiles. "But it's a rush when you save someone like I did you." I say and sit on the bed next to her. "What does it feel like?" she asks getting more and more interested by every word I say. "Well it just jolts through you. It's kinda like a power surge. Well literally one." I say as she starts blinking sleepily."No No Keep going don't worry about me."She says sleepy. "No Come here"I say and hold my arms out. She snuggles right into them and falls asleep. After 5 minutes of her snuggling up to me I hear light snoring. I smile and kiss the top of her head and fall asleep.


I wake up. But I'm not in my room. I try to sit up but I cant. Wuh. I turn to see Max holding my waist protectively.Now I remember I fell asleep here. Well if I'm stuck might as well go back asleep. I kiss Max's forehead and go back to sleep.

"Max! Wake up" Phoebe' s voice blares through the door. "I am I am" He says sitting up. He notices me and looks wide eyed. "h-hey Ry" he says and awkwardly smiles. "Hey" I whisper. "Do you uh wanna come eat breakfast?" He asks and I nod frantically. He chuckles and grabs my hand ANS slowly pulls me through the house to make it look like I went home last night. He puts out the glass back door to run to the front door. I kiss his cheek before he closes the door and I run to the door.

I ring the doorbell and Phoebe answers. "Hey Lee want some breakfast" she asks and I nod. I walk in and wide eye Max and he smiles. "So Lee How was your night" Phoebe asks trying to be unsuspicious. "Great I woke with a pain in my back but that's all" I make up. "Ouch" Phoebe giggles. "Mhm" I say and laugh. "Here you go"Max hands Me a plate. "Thanks" I say and he nods. He grabs a plate for himself and sits down. "Where's my plate?" Phoebe asks annoyedly. "On the counter" Max laughs and Phoebe gets up to get it. She grabs it and sits madly. Wierd.

Beauty and the Villain ~Max Thunderman~Where stories live. Discover now