Chapter 13

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Previously in teaser:
"Will You Marry Me?" Max asks eyes full of hope and love. But...

I don't know

Do I want to be married at 16?

Am I even sure I want to marry Max...

Rylee's POV

"I...I...I..." I stutter, the heart rate monitor beeps quicking because of my heart racing. I see Max's face fall. "It's alright, You can give me an answer when you're out of here." He smiles caressing my cheek. "I'm gonna go get some food. Do you want anything?" He asks and I shake my head.

He leaves just as a nurse comes in. "He proposed..." She smiles but notices the sadness. Her face drops and she walks over to me grabbing my hand. "What's wrong sweetie? Aren't you happy he proposed?" She asks seemingly confused and worried. "It's just... I'm not sure if I am ready for that commitment. I mean this is huge. My whole family just died. I have nobody. My dad is in jail, my mom disappeared,and now my siblings are gone." I begin to cry.

"Oh honey..." She says rubbing my arm like she was consoling me. "You don't have to say yes right now. If he really loves you he'd stay with you if your answer was Yes,No,Maybe,or when the planets align." She says as Max walks in holding a bag of doritos and Coke.

"What happened Ry?" He asks concerned. "Nothing..." I take a deep breath, "I'm fine.". I motion for the nurse to lean in. "Can you make him leave...please." I say, she nods. "Sir, May you please leave?" She asks. "But,-" Max begins, "Sir!" she yells "Please leave before I have you removed by security." she says forcefully. He sighs and looks at me "Bye Ry" he says leaving "bye" I say weakly.

The nurse checks my heart rate and blood sugar and leaves. Leaving me to think about everything.

It's just...I'm not sure if I feel like I'm so in love with him that we need to marry at 16. Yes, I do love him so so much but...Sixteen. I haven't been to college, or frat party's, I never traveled yet. But I could be a housewife to a superhero. Well Super Villian according to him.

But I just...I'm afraid. I'm afraid I'll lose every opportunity down the road if I choose to marry Max. I wish my siblings didn't die. I wish my mom didn't disappear. I wish my dad wasn't an ass face. I would give my life for that. doesn't work that way. Oh how I wish Max didn't ask that question. I wouldn't be thinking so hard. I begin to feel tired. "I love yo-" I didn't get to finish before I fell asleep.

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