7. Angery

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Rouge knocked on Cuphead's door anxiously. Cup cracked the door open, fully opening it once he saw it was us. "Welcome, and welcome back." Cup said with a nod. He stepped out of the way to let us in, and Rouge stepped in silently. I followed, seeing Mugs and Boris now sitting on the couch. Cup stepped around Rouge and I, pointing at an open loveseat in the corner of the room near the staircase. Both Rouge and I sat down with awkward silence ensuing. Cup looked around the room for second with a confused look. "Hey, where's Bendy?" Asked Cup. Everybody looked at each other and shrugged. All of a sudden, a screech called from the staircase. Then, a few thuds later Bendy cartwheeled down the stairs. At the bottom, Bendy hit the wall, bounced off and hit the floor. Cup, Mug and Boris rushed over to his side, Cup muttering cuss words while Mugman and Boris checked Bendy for injuries.

"Are you okay, Bendy?" I asked. Bendy gave me a slow thumbs up.

"My face hurts, but yeah." Bendy said, sitting up. Boris carried him over to the couch, sitting Bendy down beside him. Cup returned, sitting down in the recliner on the other side of the room.

"So uh, what do you guys want to do?" Mug asked, looking around the room. Cup set down his coffee and held up a finger.

"Anybody want to swim yet?" Cup asked.

"YES." Rouge said with a screech following.

"Sure!" I answered, stomping on Rouge's foot and making her stop earraping everyone.

"Sounds good. JINX!" Bendy, Boris and Mugs all said together, then beating the shit out of the wooden coffee table. Rouge and Cup started to laugh. I stayed silent.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The sound came from the front door. Everybody's heads turned towards the sound. Mug cast a confused glance at his brother. I felt Rouge tense up beside me. She and I both knew who it was. Rouge tried to lunge herself under the coffee table as Cup warily made his way to the door. Mug stood up, Boris and Bendy following. Cup opened the door, and gasped.


I heard Rouge throw herself under my coffee table as I grabbed the handle to my door. I open it, seeing a familiar pair of grass green eyes looking at me. "Delta? W-what are you doing here?" Delta swished her long, furry tail in spite.

"Here to return what is rightfully yours." Delta hissed, standing to the side to show two extremely familiar faces. Delta motioned for them to step forward. Mug shoved me out of his way, rushing past Delta and into our front yard. He ran up to his twin sister, Mocha, and held her tightly. Delta sighed, flicking her tipped white ears in annoyance, "Well, have a good life." Delta mumbled, turning around and purposely hitting me in the face with her tail.

"Well, aren't you going to say hello to me?"

Cheers- Quest! Cuphead X Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now