12. Violence Is Sometimes The Answer

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     "Isn't that a kick in the ass..." Cuppuccino mumbled to herself. 

     "Well, to be honest, you kind of deserve it." Rouge retorted without looking up. Cuppuccino snapped her head towards Rouge.

     "Ex-cuse me?" Cuppuccino said in a bitchy tone. "He's my brother, not yours, so fuck off!" Cuppuccino shot back. Rouge finally met Cuppuccino's gaze. Dovil and Fanny had already left, not wanting to get involved.

     "At least she was there for both of them while you ran away from your problems!" I hissed before Rouge had the chance to respond. "She is more a sister to them than you've been your whole life, and in the very short time I've spent with them, I've thought of them as my own extended family." I finished. Cuppuccino's eyes were blazing with fury, and her fists were clenched. She reached out and attempted to grab the front of my (F/C) hoodie, but Rouge grabbed her wrist before she could grab me. Rouge shoved Cuppuccino away, causing her to fall flat on her ass.

     "Get up- I fucking dare you!" Rouge mumbled. Cuppuccino decided to 'poke the bear' and stood back up, puffing out her chest. "You've made a mistake, Cuppuccino," Rouge growled through gritted teeth. "You're going to be sorry." Rouge flung herself at her, knocking Cuppuccino down, but before any fighting started, Fanny called from the other side of the waiting room.

     "Take it outside." Fanny turned her gaze back to a magazine, Dovil reading one as well. Cuphead and Mocha began to leave Mug's hospital room, but then stopped dead when they saw the two girls on the floor, Rouge holding Cuppuccino's blazer with one hand and the other pulled back ready to punch her square in the face. 

     "Qu'est-ce que tu fous?" (What the hell are you doing?) Mocha screeched, stomping over to Rouge and her sister.

     "Oh, you know. Playing a game." Cuppuccino growled, pushing Rouge off of her. Before Rouge could leap at Cuphead's clone once again, I grabbed the back of her shirt and held it tightly. Cuppuccino and Rouge were glaring daggers at one another. 

     "She started it!" Cuppuccino pointed at Rouge, as if she were five. 

     "And I'm about to end it!" Rouge broke free from my grasp, launching herself at Cuppuccino once again. Cuphead grabbed her shirt, heaving her backwards. Rouge made a choking sound as she was thrown like a ragdoll. Rouge muttered curses to herself, but didn't move. 

     "I.. just get away from me. You haven't changed at all. To be honest, I think I could have lived with the fact that you had both been killed. Now get out of my sight, both of you!" Cuphead hissed to his sisters. Mocha cast a hurt glance at her older brother, but obeyed. She helped Cuppuccino to her feet, said something to her in French, and then walked away with her without another word. Cuphead was hanging his head, his hair covering his entire face. "I'm sorry, she just... brings out the worst in me."

     "I can see that." I said, Cup breathing out a chuckle. 

     "I'm... gonna go home. I need to get some sleep." Cup breathed. I remembered that Cup hadn't left his brother's side since he'd shot him. A stab of sympathy went into my heart. 

     "I can give you a ride home, if you want." I offered. Cup looked up at me, his garnet eyes dull from little rest. 

     "Oh. Thanks, Y/N." Cup said quietly. He was obviously emotionally exhausted. I can't blame him, I thought to myself.

     "Anytime. Rouge, are you coming?" I asked. Rouge stretched, nodding. She stood from the floor, dusting herself off, and followed Cup and I out of the hospital. Outside of the front doors of the building, there stood Cuppuccino and Mocha.

     "Back for Round 2?" Cuppuccino sneered. Rouge met Cup's sister's gaze with a poisonous one. Mocha looked on with an apologetic one.

     "Fuck off." Rouge responded forcefully, flipping her off. I stomped on her foot, making her squeak. It made her stop, but Cuppuccino had a look of triumph on her face. 

     "I can't believe you were friends with her at one point," Cup muttered to what I guess was himself. 

     "Neither can I," Rouge replied in a whisper.





bye I guess


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