10. All Your Fault

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-Rouge POV-

     Of all ways to describe last night, the only word is insane. Mug was shot directly through the chest, just missing his heart. Cup refused to speak to any officers and claimed he wouldn't until he got to talk to his brother. Boris, Y/N and Bendy were all pretty shaken up after the incident, Y/N especially. Cup hasn't slept, eaten or done anything except sit at his brother's bedside and watch as he slept.

     I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder as I read my book. I turned, and my stomach did a backflip.

     Cuppuccino and Mocha.

     "Where is he? My brother?" Mocha whispered to me. Her quiet voice communicated to me that she had been crying. I remember that her and Mugman had been very close. I reluctantly stood, having them follow me towards Mug's room. I knocked on the wooden door, not expecting an answer. I looked in through the window on the door, seeing Cup laying face down at the edge of Mug's bed. He seemed to be asleep. I quietly opened the door, Mocha shoving past her sister and running up to her brother. "Muggy? Are you awake?" Mocha asked her brother. She had her hands on his cheeks, rubbing his paler-than-normal face. Cuphead stirred, lazily lifting his face from the bed. His eyes fluttered open, both with dark circles under them. His hair had been brushed from its usual position over his right eye and revealed the long scar from under his eye. He rubbed his eyes with a yawn, stretching. He then saw his sister in the doorway. His expression changed from 'just now awake' to 'I'm going to shoot you next'. His expression then darkened as he stared at his legs, trying to recollect himself.

     "Who shot him?" Cuppuccino asked me. I swallowed my fear.

     "Cup. Cuphead shot him." I choked out. Cuppuccino slipped past me, arms crossed. Her crimson blazer shifted. 

     "Hey. Attempted murderer." Cuppuccino hissed. I remember when she would lecture her brother about 'morals' and 'respect'. "I'm sorry, am I not speaking loud enough? Look at me, Cup! Make an attempt to explain yourself, before I make it so you can't. Speak!" Cuppuccino tapped her foot, her toes clicking on the tiled vinyl floor. She was obviously pissed, but she wasn't letting it show. "Since you're apparently too incompetent, I'm going to see if I can gain custody of our youngest brother, once he's healed enough." Cuppuccino said flatly. Cup stood, with a grief-stricken face.

     "Please..don't..." Cup pleaded. The light-gray tear streaks on his face were very prominent. Cuppuccino seemed to chuckle to herself. 

     "So you're pleading for forgiveness now. How cute! You're just like our dad! Except dad never tried to kill anybody, hmm?" Cuppuccino pressed. Cup clenched his fists (When she says you act like your dad- sorry, couldn't resist) and met his sister with an equally venomous gaze. 

     "Did you have to watch your father continuously hurt your little brother, when you could do absolutely nothing about it? No! You didn't! You weren't even there for him! You took away what he cared about most- his twin! And look what happened! This is your fault!" Cup howled. Mocha gasped.

     "Mug, can you hear me?" Mocha asked. Mug's eyes had opened partially, blinking at the blinding white of his hospital room. 

     "Mocha?" Mug whispered. He weakly moved his hand over top of hers. 

     "Brother..." Mocha whispered, hugging her injured twin brother. Both Cuppuccino and Cuphead had turned to watch Mugman regain consciousness.

Cheers- Quest! Cuphead X Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now