Beauty and the Beast

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"Good evening, Sir," a short, stout man with round features approached a dark figure. The sweat beaded on the gentlemen's forehead slowly dripped down, causing his slightly askew glasses to slide further down his squished nose. His brown, somewhat beady eyes met his Master's briefly before darting away again. He bowed slightly, the effort obviously great.

His Master was draped in shadow, nothing more than his silhouette and, if the light hit just right, eyes discernable. The man knew his Master sat in the large, maroon throne - the back tall, grand and imposing.

After a few moments of tense silence, the man continued, "There is someone at the door, S-Sir."

The statement charged the energy in the room. The man heard, rather than saw, his Master shift in the chair. As if on cue, distant thunder began grumbling outside.

"What do they want, Cogsworth?" the deep voice set in the large chest of the Master rang clear.

Cogsworth's heart raced, dreading every second of this unfortunate encounter. If only the girl would just leave, he thought. "She asks, Sir, for shelter."

"Shelter?" the Master snapped.

"Y-yes, Sir. Says she c-can't get home in time before the wretched storm starts," Cogsworth started ringing his white-gloved hands.

Seconds ticked by, and Cogsworth feared the inevitable response.

"Bring her to me," the Master said evenly.

Cogsworth bowed quickly and left the room in great haste. He signaled for Lumiere, the rather tall and lanky butler, to retrieve the wretch outside of the estate. He took the few moments waiting to whipe his brow. Mere seconds later, accompanied by a brilliant flash of lightening through the windows, Lumiere presented the beggar from outside.

Cogsworth inwardly groaned. The girl was hardly presentable. Her dark green cloak was obviously torn and thin. Her face could have been considered beautiful if it weren't for the gauntness of hunger. He extended his hand and a cold and boney one accepted the invitation. He led her to his Master.

Upon entering the Master's parlor, Cogsworth cleared his throat, trying to find his voice to reassure all parties involved of the situation. He could sense the girl's nervousness, but knew she had no idea what she had gotten into.

"Sir," Cogsworth voice did not fail him, but he let go of the girl's hand. He let it go to her back and gently pushed her forward.

The girl did not seem to know quite what to do. She looked to Cogsworth for help, and her green eyes were alight with uncertainty.

"Sir?" the girl asked almost too quiet to be audible.

After a few very tense moments, Cogsworth heard his Master sigh. The girl visibly shivered.

"Why have you come to my estate?" the Master's voice was softer than Cogsworth, and the girl, expected.

"I was sent to the woods, Sir, because my family is hungry. I was supposed to find berries, but got lost. There's a terrible rain comin' tonight, and I need directions back to town." The girl's voice started clear, but got softer as she explained.

Cogsworth thought he saw his Master's eyes, icy blue, narrow in repulsion.

"You are not too far from town, girl. Cogsworth will provide you with the means to go home. You are, however, not welcome to stay in this residence for any period of time. I do not welcome stupid girls who are flighty and become lost."

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