Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:


Isabelle groaned at the voice - whoever it was needed to just let her sleep. She felt weak, and empty... with a side of sore.

"Izabelle," Cecile sounded like she was right beside the bed, "Are you feeling okay?"

"No," she groaned into her pillow. "Please, Cecile. Let me sleep."

That request was not met by any verbal response, but Isabelle heard footsteps walk away from her. She kept her eyes closed and the memories of the previous night came rushing back. The reason for the emptiness was that she had been sick - grotesquely so. She groaned out of embarrassment when she remembered someone came to her assitance. Someone literally witnessed her wretch up her dinner.

And on that note, her stomach rumbled and protested the emptiness. Isabelle opened her eyes and saw that Cecile had drawn the curtains back and cheery spring morning sunshine was cascading down the walls and on the bed. Her silky dark blue sheets took on an ethereal quality for a moment.

Isabelle let herself stretch. Regardless of her awful night, she had never woken up so comfortable... or so late. She figured it was almost noon, and she crawled out of bed, regretting her dismissal of Cecile.

She saw the glass of water on the endtable by her bed and causiously took a few sips, and stood up. Isabelle took a few steps toward the door that led to the hallway, but realized she didn't really know what she had to do or where she had to go. She turned around and sat on the bed, waiting for Cecile - hoping she'd come back soon.

Thankfully she didn't have to wait long, but the individual who came through her door was not Cecile. It was Lumiere. 

"What do you mean she's being unruly?" Lumiere whispered, but saw Isabelle sitting on the bed. He immediately blushed and Isabelle noticed she didn't have a robe on - just the nightdress. She blushed and folded her arms in an attempt to compensate for lack of over clothes.

"It is nearly noon and she will not get up," Cecile hissed, but saw that Isabelle was up. She narrowed her eyes at her briefly before turning back to Lumiere, "I see we no longer have a problem. Thank you for your assistance, Lumiere."

Isabelle watched as Lumiere and Cecile's eyes met and she inwardly smiled. They smiled at one another and Lumiere left without another word.

"You know," Isabelle couldn't help but comment, "Have you told Lumiere how you feel about him?"

It seemed to snap Cecile out of Lumiere's spell and she narrowed her eyes at Isabelle. "I don't think that ez any of your business. Next time will you please wake up at a decent hour? The Master asked me to take care of you and you sleep the morning away like some sickly young woman!'

Isabelle's sense of humor vanished a little bit at the scold. "I was sick, Cecile."

Cecile did not seem to anticipate that. "Oh no!" she rushed over to Isabelle and grasped her hands with her own. "Why didn't you come tell me?"

"I tried," Isabelle started to explain, "But it was in the middle of the night, and then I didn't know where to find you. And then, somebody found me and by then I was so sick."

"I see," Cecile said and smiled. "Do you know who found you? If it was late I'm surprised you saw anyone at all. All of the servants are to be in their quarters over night."

Isabelle just shrugged, truly not understanding the situation.

"What would you like to do today?" Cecile asked and she stood up and walked over to prepare Isabelle's clothing.

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