Chapter Thirteen

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Warning: There's a pretty rough event that happens in this chapter.

Recap Chapter Twelve:

He gagged her with an awfully dirty knot of cloth and she almost gagged, letting her tears fall silently down her bruised face.

"I guess the fun can now begin."

Chapter Thirteen:

Isabelle's fiercely green eyes grew wide, as Gerard ran one of his fingers down the side of her face in a sick caress. She tried to swallow but was unsuccessful.

"Why would you constantly avoid becoming my wife but so willingly go who-knows-where?" he whispered and a chill ran down Isabelle's spine. She blinked as more tears made their way down her face.

Gerard smiled, "You know, Isabelle, it doesn't have to be this way. If you would marry me willingly I wouldn't be foreced to do this." He paused and his eyes raked down her body wickedly. "Although, I think I'll enjoy it much more than you."

Isabelle's stomach dropped straight to the ground as the realization of exactly what he planned on doing dawned on her. She tensed and he laughed.

"Poor, sweet, Isabelle," Gerard mocked, "No one will be able to help you this time. Not Daddy... not Lumiere... not the man who thought dressing you up in fine clothing would change the fact that you're nothing but a poor man's daughter!"

Isabelle's body wracked with a silent sob and Gerard kneeled down in front of her, cupping her face in his hands.

Gerard slowly moved his hands down her neck and to her shoulders. When he nudged his fingers between her nightdress and skin a shiver of disgust ran its way through Isabelle's body. Gerard greedily started kissing and sucking roughly along Isabelle's neck.

She tried to fight the panic.

"Mmm," Gerard moaned and yanked the cotton material of the nightdress down one of Isabelle's shoulders and started kissing her there as well. Isabelle tried not to scream when she noticed one of Gerard's hands move to the bottom of her nightgown.

Isabelle still didn't know how to get out of the situation, but - whatever she was going to do - it needed to be done soon.

To her complete mortification, Gerard gathered most of the material of the nightdress above her hips and pulled down her breaches. She fought back vomit when she felt him touch her in places he had no business.

Gerard seemed to be enjoying himself, and Isabelle continued to wait for the right moment... any opportunity. After a few humiliating minutes Gerard stood up right in front of her, and pulled down his pants and undergarments.

Isabelle closed her eyes, feeling the panic rise within her and giving almost all her energy into having a clear head. When she opened her eyes again, Gerard had knelt in front of her - something she did not want to focus on almost poking her in the face.

She heard him command her to do something, but her eyes and mind were focused on two separate things. She curled in on herself, lifting her right knee a little bit more to her chest. Her eyes were focused on one of Gerard's bare foot on the floor so close to her own. She managed to place her right foot in between Gerard's spred knees.


Gerard said something again, sounding much more aggitated.


He grabbed the back of Isabelle's hair and yanked it back so she looked him in the eyes.


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