Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten:

“Just promise me you won’t run into any more burning buildings just to make sure I’m alive,” he joked after realizing what he just told her. She had tensed a little, and he half expected her to pull away completely.

After a few minutes she pulled away, but just enough to look up at him, “What did you say?”

Adam felt nervous, for the first time in years and it was all of the sudden of the utmost importance that he not tell her he loved her… again.

“Promise me you won’t risk your life for mine anymore?” he asked, not really meeting her eyes.

“No,” Isabelle said, “I heard that part. The thing you said before that.”

“Um,” Adam cursed inwardly for being rendered speechless.

“You’re in love with me?” Isabelle asked, and Adam dared to look into her eyes. What he found was not at all what he was expecting.

Her expression was open. There was no judgment or disdain; simply surprise and perhaps a little confusion. He still couldn’t find words so he simply nodded.

Isabelle smiled, a little hesitantly. Adam smiled, too, but his heart knocked into over drive. Could she love him, too?

“I like that,” Isabelle said softly and blushed so red that she had to look down to continue, “I love that you love me.”

Adam chuckled and so did Isabelle. He pulled her close again and asked, “Do you love me?”

Isabelle tensed a little, but didn’t move away from him. She bit her bottom lip. “I don’t know how to answer the question, Adam. I think I need more time. We hardly know each other.”

“Sir?” a firefighter approached them, effectively interrupting their conversation, “We have cleared the fire and it seemed to be contained to two bedrooms and one bathroom. Other than being particularly smoky toward the front of the manor the rest is safe and clean enough to dwell in. Keep the windows open and I’ll have someone come out tomorrow to check out the damage and talk about repairs with Mr. Cogsworth.”

Adam nodded and stood up. “Thank you,” he looked at Isabelle and grinned a little. She smiled back and blushed from head to foot again. “I will inform Cogsworth to be ready tomorrow morning for the arrival.”

“Have a good evening, Sir,” the firefighter extended his hand.

Adam shook it, “Good night.” He helped Isabelle stand up and he wound his fingers with hers. He approached the crowd of his staff members. “Thank you for all of your efforts.”

The statement seemed to make some look at him a little shocked. “It is safe to go back inside and go to sleep with the windows open! Well, everybody except for Belle and Cecile. Have a good night, everybody.”

Isabelle stayed by his side as Adam spoke with Mrs. Potts.

“Beatrice,” he said warmly, “Next time I urge you to see to it yourself that Chip has evacuated successfully.”

“Oh, Master Adam,” Mrs. Potts cried, “Thank you so much for finding my grandson!” She flung her arms around Adam awkwardly. He patted her back with his free hand.

“You don’t have to thank me,” Adam said, “You don’t know what argument caused the fire in the first place.”

Mrs. Potts was crying and smiling at the same time. She looked at Isabelle and said, “Honey, if you stick around nobody knows what to expect out of our Master here.” She patted Isabelle’s cheek and went back into the estate, holding Chips hand as she walked.

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