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Moving all the furniture into our new apartment was the most physical activity I've done since my sophomore year gym class. It could've been worse, though, if Jill hadn't found that guy in the elevator. He was strong as hell for a nineteen-year-old.

After all the hard work was done, I poured Jill's friend a glass of water. "I'm sorry this is all I can offer as a thank you, we appreciate it a lot more than a cup of tap water, trust me." He laughed, taking the cup from my hand and quickly gulping down the beverage.

"It's no problem, really. I would've gotten my brother to help too, but he's been sleeping all afternoon." He rolled his eyes. "Well, I better get going, I have a party to set up." His face lit up as he continued, "hey! You guys should totally come! It'll give you a great opportunity to meet some of the people in this area. I promise you'll have fun, our parties usually are."

I hesitated and turned to Jill. I could tell what she was thinking, but it was our first night here. We didn't need to be out partying so soon. "I'm not sure if we're ready to be out-"

"Of course! We'll try our best to stop by. Thanks again for everything!" Jill interrupted. I sighed, forcing a smile on my face.

"Great," He nodded as he made his way to the door. He leaned close to me and said in almost a whisper, "I hope to see you there." And just like that, he was gone.

I stood frozen for a moment, butterflies in my stomach for some reason. I quickly shook the feeling and turned back to Jill. "Seriously? We've been here for no more than a couple hours and you're already going to a party?"

"I'm not going to a party, we're going to a party. And come on it'll be fun, Grace! Plus Grayson's right, it's good for us to get out there and find some friends. I love you, but we can't only hang out with each other, as exciting as that sounds."

Grayson. I made a mental note of his name before continuing. "Alright fine. I guess you're right, I mean, you can get pretty annoying sometimes, so it'll be nice having someone to complain to about you."

She threw a pillow at me from across the room, missing drastically. We both laughed as we sat down on our new couch, in our new apartment, in Los Angeles, California. It still didn't feel real that I was really here, that we were really here. I looked over at my best friend, suddenly feeling extremely grateful that she was doing this with me. Without her, I probably would've let this plan fall through and lived the rest of my life with regret. But now, I don't have to.


I'll admit, I was nervous. Which was weird for me, because between me and Grace, I was always the one that loved parties. But this was a whole new scene, I had no idea what we were going to find in there.

I rang the doorbell and looked at Grace. She smiled, lightly nudging my shoulder. Within seconds the door flung open, revealing a kid that neither of us had seen before. "You here for the party?"

The smell of alcohol lingered on his breath as he spoke, and I soon became relieved knowing there would be something in there to calm my nerves a bit. I mean we lived in the same building, so it's not like I'd have to worry about driving drunk.

"Grayson invited us," I almost shouted over the music booming from inside the apartment.

The intoxicated boy stepped to the side to let us in, revealing an apartment similar to ours, only much bigger. "See you ladies arouuunnddd..." he slurred, the alcoholic scent now radiating from not only his breath as we make our way deeper into the apartment. I force a smile, rolling my eyes to Grace as she laughs.

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