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I sighed as I woke up to the all too familiar sound of my phone buzzing in my ear. Letting the alarm ring for what felt like a century, I soon decided it was time for me to drag myself out of bed, knowing my body feeling completely drained from the night before. Once I reached the cramped, humid bathroom I've been forced to share with my brother for my nineteen years on this planet, I took a long look in the mirror. It doesn't get better for everyone after high school, does it?

It took me about an hour to get ready for what was about to be one of the longest days of my life. I texted my best friend, Jill, asking one of the hundred questions I had about our schedule for the day. She was the planner, and thank god for that because, without her, I wouldn't know where to start.

During the beginning of senior year, Jill and I began to plan our future together. It started out as a joke, a measly dream, to move to California. Warm weather, beaches, celebrities, how could you not want to live there? As graduation got closer and closer, we began looking at apartments for fun, but when we were able to find a cheap one right next to one of the nicest beaches in Los Angeles, it was settled. This was going to be our future.

She replied immediately, with a simple I told you not to worry. I shook my head and smiled slightly, getting anxious about whatever may come. I packed the last of my things into my trunk and looked up at my house one last time. My parents stood at the doorstep smiling, waving, and even crying a little.


"Hey! Are you ready?" Jill's usual sunshiny personality never failed to make me smile.

"Just about," I reply, taking the last box from her hands and placing it in the trunk of my car. This was it, we were going to California, and our new lives were about to begin.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm starting to get nervous," I admit, driving away from everyone and everything I've grown up with.

"Don't be nervous, Grace! Be excited. We're going to LA for god sake! We're gonna run into people like David Dobrik on Hollywood Boulevard and eat lunch at the same places as the Kardashians do! Who knows, maybe we'll become famous!" Jill's smile was radiating throughout the car as she laughed to herself, actually calming me down a bit. She was right, it was exciting.

I slept for most of the plane ride, waking up just in time to watch us enter Los Angeles. My stomach began to turn as the nerves slowly crept back in, but those feelings were soon overshadowed by the excitement running through my veins. We really did it. We made it to California, and our lives were about to begin.


It was like a dream. Everything was bigger and brighter, and admittingly, kind of intimidating. But I was ready to start this new chapter of my life, no matter how hard it was gonna be. I felt like this was where I was meant to be, and even though she'd have a hard time admitting it, I'm sure Grace felt the same way.

We finally made it out of LAX and about an hour later, we were standing outside our apartment door. I looked at Grace and smiled, opening the door. We stood there for a moment in awe, taking in the beautiful sight of the open space that we would soon be making memories in.

"The movers should be here any minute, so if you want I'll go wait outside for them and text you when they get here. It'll give you a minute to look around, and enjoy yourself. I know you're nervous Grace, but we did it. We're here."

She smiled back in appreciation as she headed further into the room and around a corner. I made my way to the elevator, a smile still stretching across my face.

"Hold the door!" A deep voice held from down the hall, catching me off guard. As the elevator door began to close, I stuck my arm out quickly, peeking my head out to see who else was here. After living in a house my whole life, I realized I would now have copious strangers living in the same building as me. It was a weird thought, but also enlightening.

"Thanks. Lobby, please." A tall, muscular boy who looked about my age hopped in beside me, a large smile on his face. I nodded slightly, pressing the lobby button a second time.

I felt his eyes on me for a moment as I continued to stand there frozen. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you just moving in?"

His voice was friendly and soft, not matching his strong, intimidating physique. I nodded, "yeah. My friend and I are from Connecticut. We just got here." I quietly released a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in.

"Well, that's awesome! Are you heading out now to get your stuff?"

I nodded again, "Yeah. The truck should be here any second."

The elevator door opened, and I was slightly disappointed my conversation with this mystery boy was ending. I mean, I guess if he lives here I'll see him around sometime or the next...

"Let me help you! When my brother and I moved in it sucked with only two of us and a couple of movers. C'mon, you can't turn down an extra pair of hands!"

This was the first time I took a good look at him as I stepped out of the elevator and into the almost empty lobby. He was tan, which was a given considering he's been living in California. His large muscles were exposed from his sleeveless shirt, and I'll admit, they were pretty impressive. His hair was up perfectly quiffed, and his smile was almost contagious.

I could see the excitement on his face when he asked to help me, so I agreed. "Yeah, we could use the help." I smiled back at him as the moving truck pulled up front. "My name is Jill, by the way."

He nodded, looking as though he was making a mental note of it. "Jill. Got it. I'm Grayson."




hi so I don't know how long this is gonna be but I have a lot of ideas so enjoy!!!

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