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I woke up with a pounding headache. I smiled as I realized I was in Grayson's room and remember the events that went down the night before. I still felt uneasy about Jill and Ethan, but Grayson's generosity never seized to amaze me.

I crept down the hall, trying not to wake anyone that may still be sleeping. The aroma of pancakes filled the apartment, making me realize how hungry I was. I said a small prayer that it was Grayson in the kitchen and not his brother.

"Good morning! Didn't expect you to be the lucky girl that slept in Grayson's room last night."

I guess I didn't pray hard enough.

I shook my head, trying not to make eye contact with Ethan. "It wasn't like that," I began, but he cut me off before I could try to find an explanation.

"Don't worry, Grace. I get it." Ethan slid me a plate of pancakes. I hesitated at first but thanked him and accepted the food. I almost smiled at the amazing taste that filled my mouth. Ethan took a seat next to me and watched me eat for a moment before looking back down at his plate, smiling. "Hungry?"

I nodded, my cheeks burning up. For some reason, he always made me blush, and I hated it. "I didn't eat last night after seeing something that made me lose my appetite." I shot him a look, emphasizing the ending of my sentence.

Ethan knew exactly what I was referring to and held his head down, almost as if he was embarrassed. "Look, Grace, I'm sorry you had to see that. I mean, I don't see why you're so mad, though. We just kissed."

I looked up at Ethan. Our eyes locked, and for a moment, I really believed he was sorry. And I also knew he was right. I still didn't know for sure why I was mad.

I decided to let the whole thing go. Jill is my best friend, she can kiss who she wants. Ethan is my friend (sort of?) so he can do whatever, or whoever, he wanted, as well. I made up my mind: no more stressing over things I couldn't control.

"You said you were looking for me yesterday," I stopped shoving food into my mouth for a moment and looked back up at Ethan, who was still watching me. "Why?"

He quickly looked away, as if he was trying to hide the smile that was slowly creeping on his face. It wasn't his signature smirk, though. It was softer, more delicate. It made him seem more genuine; I kinda liked it.

"It was nothing. I just wanted to see if you wanted to get together sometime." He picked his head back up, still not meeting my eyes. "But I guess I blew that chance pretty bad," he let out a small laugh.

If I thought I was confused before, now I really didn't know what was going on. Yesterday, the thought of Ethan disgusted me. I caught him in a vigorous make out session with my best friend, and now he wants to "hang out" with me? What was he trying to do?

I remembered back to what Grayson said to me. He was a player. He did this with plenty of girls; it's probably what he had planned with Jill before I interrupted them. I knew what the right thing to do was. I wouldn't let him get to me.

"Yeah, I don't think so."

As soon as the words fell out of my mouth, I was hit with extreme guilt. Gosh, why was this so hard? I kept my ground, although I tried to be less harsh as I continued.

"I mean, I'd love if you and Grayson still stuck around with Jill and me, and I'm sure we can all be great friends, but if you're looking for anything more than that, I don't think I'd be interested."

A smile slowly crept on Ethan's face, once again confusing me. It's so damn hard to read him.

"Fair enough. Well, if you're not interested, then I might as well mention that Grayson has been going on non-stop about you. You're the only thing on his mind, I can tell."

Ethan cleared the counter and began washing the dishes. What the hell was he going on about now? Why would Grayson be talking about me? And if he really wanted to "get together" with me, why was he bringing up the fact that his twin brother had feelings for me?

I needed to get out of here. Ethan was playing games with me, and I wasn't going to fall for it.

"Thanks for breakfast, I'm gonna head out. Jill's probably looking for me." I cleared my throat, putting on the fakest smile I could.

I quickly gathered my stuff from the other room and made it back without running into Grayson. Damn it, Ethan. I thought Grayson and I were friends. I suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable about the fact that I slept in his bed. As the elevator door opened, I made a mental note: stay away from the Dolan twins.


chapter seven!! this chapter is kinda short so i'm sorry, i'm thinking about abandoning this story all together idk i'll probably finish it but it most likely won't be that good. please vote and comment, it'll encourage me to keep writing this! :)

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