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I could say I was more than caught off guard when a kid who looked exactly like Grayson approache frantically. Grayson mentioned he had a brother, but never said he was a twin. He seemed nice though, and I appreciated his looking out for Jill.

Ethan followed us back to the apartment, making sure Jill and I got home safe. I walked into the apartment, Jill half asleep on my shoulder, and invited Ethan inside. I gently placed Jill on the couch, throwing a blanket over her and sticking a pillow under her head.

"Thanks, but everyone should be filing out around now, so I've got an apartment to clean," Ethan stopped only a foot into the apartment before waving goodbye and turning to leave.

"Wait!" I followed him out into the hallway, almost closing the door behind me. "I just wanted to say, uh, thank you for taking care of Jill tonight. And I'm sorry we took you away from your party, you really didn't have to come back with us."

He noticed the guilt in my voice and placed a hand up to stop me. "No really, it's not a problem. I just wanted to make sure you both got back alright. I know it's not a far walk, but better safe than sorry. Tell Jill it was nice meeting her, even under such circumstances; And you. We should all hang out sometime."

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you around," I smiled as he made his way down the hall and waved before stepping into the elevator. I walked back into the apartment, shutting the door behind me for the last time of the night. I made my way across the kitchen and into the living room, sitting on the love seat next to where Jill was now sound asleep.

Our first day in California was officially over, and I'll admit, it was a lot more eventful than I anticipated. A party? Twins? Drunk Jill? Although unexpected, it was nothing short from exciting, and I secretly hoped every day would be this way as I slowly drifted to sleep.


"Dude, where'd you go? I thought you ditched me to do all the cleaning this time." I looked at my brother in confusion as he walked in, shutting the door behind him.

"Did you know we had new neighbors?" He walked in, a smile on his face as he began picking up red solo cups from the coffee table and throwing them in an empty garbage bag. "Yeah, Jill and her friend, gosh, what was her name?"

I sighed, a bit offended he didn't take the time to remember her. "Grace," I rolled my eyes, "and yes I met them. Who do you think invited them tonight?"

"Grace, right, right. Well, I walked them back to their apartment. Found Jill half asleep in my bed, and Grace seemed to have had a couple drinks, too." He tossed one of the filled trash bags over into the corner and threw himself on the couch. "They seem... nice."

I joined my brother on the couch, a smirk forming as he finished his sentence. Ugh, not again. I knew that look all too well. "Bro, seriously? They just got here and you're already gonna try to hook up? At least give them the chance to settle in." I lightly hit him on the shoulder.

"Relax, no one said anything about hooking up. All I said was that they're nice. I mean, Jill was half asleep up but what about Grace, huh? You're telling me you wouldn't hit that?"

He began fake punching me, and the thought of Grace and I together crossed my mind for a moment. I mean, Ethan had a point. She was hot.

I quickly shook away the thought, knowing he was still wrong. "You're sick, bro. They literally just got here."

Still smiling, he put his arms up in surrender before standing up. "Alright man, I get it. But I know you were thinking it too. We're twins after all," he began to walk down the hall to his bedroom. "We have the same brain!"

I shook my head, amused by my brother's accusations. I mean, I guess they weren't really accusations because he was right. I did think about it. And for the rest of the night, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I remembered back to a couple hours ago where I sat with Grace on the balcony. I remember watching the night sky, but when I looked back at her, she was more beautiful than the stars.

I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to get her out of my head. Yes. She was gorgeous, but I didn't even know her. After all, I only met her a couple hours ago; Who knows, maybe she'll end up having a shitty personality. I sighed, clearly exhausted from the long night. I stood up and headed to my room, thinking maybe some sleep would do me good and get me out of my head, but it only made things worse.

I laid in bed for what felt like hours, trying to shake the thought of Grace. God damn it I don't know what Ethan did, but she was the only thing on my mind. I found myself wanting to know everything about her and asking myself questions I didn't know the answers to. I made a mental note to try to run into her tomorrow and invite her back over. Maybe if I got to know her better, I wouldn't be up all night trying to figure out who she was.

I looked out my window to see the sun beginning to rise. I groaned, throwing a pillow over my face. If I was going to try to meet up with Grace, I couldn't do it on no sleep and completely hungover. With that final thought, I slowly drifted to sleep.



chapter four is almost finished! :))

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