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I couldn't remember a time I was this happy. After spending the day in Los Angeles, I knew Jill and I made the right decision moving here. It was beautiful and welcoming and overall, epic. Ethan and Grayson really knew the best places to show us.

After we spent some time on Hollywood Boulevard, we followed the boys to Griffith Park, the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, the Hollywood Bowl, and finally back to the hotel, but not before we found an In-N-Out. Jill kept her promise about dinner being on her, although I could tell she was a little hesitant about paying for four people, rather than just the two of us.

Ethan and Grayson walked us to our door and I invited them inside. "So," Grayson began, "what did you guys think?"

I watched him sink into the couch next to Jill as she began explaining how incredible everything was. Grayson laughed, pleased that he and his brother did well as tour guides. I sat in the love seat, looking up at Ethan, who was still standing.

"You can sit, you know," I offered, motioning to the chair across from me.

"Thanks, but I actually have some things I have to get to. I'm glad you guys had fun, though. I'll see you up there, Gray." He winked at Jill and gave me a small wave before going toward the door.

I looked at Grayson for an explanation, but he just shrugged, unaware of what his brother was up to. I decided to follow Ethan out to thank him again, feeling a bit guilty that he had to leave. Right before the door shut behind him, I grabbed it, opening it to his surprise. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it.

"Hey, so I just wanted to really thank you for showing us around today, I get you're probably really busy, so I'm sorry we took you away from whatever you had planned." Ethan was looking straight into my eyes, and I felt my breathing pick up its pace. "I just wanted to let you know how much IJill and Iappreciate it." I broke his gaze and looked at the ground.

I felt his hand come up to my shoulder and for some reason, I froze, bringing my eyes back up to meet him. "Really, Grace. I don't mind it. Hanging with you guys was a lot of fun, " he leaned into my ear and said in almost a whisper, "maybe next time it could be just the two of us." 

I felt my heart race as he pulled away from me to meet my eyes once again. I looked at him, my thoughts filled with confusion, doubt, but also with desire. I nodded lightly, now finding it hard to look away. He smirked before walking off down the hall. I kept watching him; he looked back at me one more time before the elevator door opened and he was gone.

Jill and Grayson watched me intensely as I stood in the doorway for a moment, taking in everything I was feeling and trying to figure out why I was feeling the way I did. What was going on with me?

I sat back down in between Jill and Grayson, who both still had their eyes on me. I decided not to tell them what Ethan said to me. "What?"

"Is everything okay?" Grayson asked, looking genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, of course. I just wanted to thank him for today before he left." I cleared my throat, trying to act natural. I hated keeping secrets.

Grayson nodded, seeming bothered for some reason. I nudged him, "Are you okay?"

He shook his head, his expression calming down. "Yeah, no, I'm fine. I should probably head out too, it's getting late. I'll see you guys around." He smiled softly; I noticed how similar he and his brother's expressions were. It was amazing, really.

"Well seriously, Grayson. Thank you so much for today. We had a lot of fun. It was so nice of you guys to show us everything." I put my hand on top of his for a moment and he looked at me. I immediately pulled my hand away, realizing I probably made him really uncomfortable. God, why did I do that?

Grayson shook his head, his smile now genuine and bigger. "I'm glad you guys had fun. Have a good night, I'll see you later." And with that, he was gone.

I looked at Jill, who not once took her eyes off me. "Okay, seriously! What is it?"

"Ethan said something to you didn't he? Or something happened and now something's off. Tell me what happened out there!" Jill scooted closer to me, filling in the now empty space Grayson was sitting in moments before.

"Nothing happened. I just said thank you and he said he was happy to help. That's it," I assured her. If I'm being honest, I don't really even know what happened myself. I mean, all he really did was suggest him and I hung out again, so it's not like anything happened at all, really. I think my expressions might've been portraying something much deeper than the meaning, which made Jill want to pry.

She glared at me for another minute with that I know you're hiding something face before finally shrugging. "Alright," she said, "well on that note, I'm going to bed. Goodnight!" She stood up and walked down the hall to her room, shutting the door behind her. I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding, relieved the interrogation was over.

With that, I decided it was time for me to head to bed as well after a wave of exhaustion swept over me. I lay in bed for what felt like the first time in forever, taking in all the memories that were made today. Although tonight ended in a sort of odd way, I was still grateful for Grayson and Ethan wasting their day showing us around. I silently hoped every day would be like this as I slowly drifted asleep to the sound of the busy streets.

thanks for reading!! sorry this chapter was kind of weird, i couldn't really think of a way to transition things. I promise chapter six will be better! please vote and comment :)

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