15: A Lot Can Happen in a Month

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SIRIUS FELT A WEIRD tugging sensation on the back of his mind as he snuck out of his dorm to meet Vanessa. He felt almost numb as he walked as stealthily as he can to the common room where Vanessa sat waiting for him. He gave her a kiss which he felt almost obligated to do. He felt like a puppet, strings attached to every part of his body, willing him to move on someone else's behalf. Someone he couldn't see was controlling his every move but he couldn't find the will or need to stop it. It was as if he was almost inanimate or lifeless, putty in someone's hands; free to conform to whatever that person needed him to be. He felt completely powerless as he did, said, and felt whatever this invisible being tells him to.

"Sirius, can you take us to the shrieking shack? There are a couple of people who want to see you." Vanessa whispered.

Sirius nodded and began to lead her towards one of the passages to the shrieking shack, avoiding prefects who were roaming around the halls.

"Hello Sirius." He heard a familiar chilling voice call out to him the moment they had arrived. Sirius and Vanessa walked toward the voice only to be greeted by an almost unbelievable sight

"Mother?" Sirius asked.

"Sirius, honey," Walburga said in a sickly sweet voice, "Vanessa, along with your father and I need to talk to you about a movement, a revolution of sorts, that is very very important to us."


ARABELLA STAYED clear from the Marauders the following days. She had no idea what was going on with the four. It was easy staying away from James, Peter, and Remus as she almost never sees the three anymore. She would only see them after classes or during meals. They would always seem to rush off whenever class had ended and she had no idea where they went.

Sirius was much more difficult to avoid. He gradually became worse, if that was even possible. He went against everything that the Marauders stand for. He pranked students, yet targeted only muggle borns and occasionally half bloods. Almost every corner that Arabella turned, he was there; hexing a muggle born student. It was so unlike him that she put aside their non-speaking terms and went to confront him.

"Ah. Arabella, just the person I was looking for."

"What the hell is wrong with you Sirius?" Arabella asked angrily, finding Sirius in an empty hallway.

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." Sirius answered, a confused but almost taunting look plastered on his features.

"What do you mean nothing?" Arabella asked, disbelieving. "You're hexing random muggle borns and half bloods for absolutely no reason!"

"I do have a reason." Sirius said darkly, an evil grin slowly spreading on his face. "They don't deserve to be here."

"What?" Arabella asked, completely and utterly dumbfounded.

"They don't deserve to be here Ara and you know it! What right do they even have? How dare they! Practicing magic without an ounce of magical blood running through their veins." Sirius said, slowly stepping towards Arabella.

"Sirius, this isn't you." Arabella said taking steps back until she was up against a wall with Sirius a foot in front of her.

"This is the new me." Sirius said darkly. "Muggle borns and half bloods don't deserve to go here Ara."

"This isn't you." Arabella kept repeating over and over again but Sirius just kept talking over her.

"Don't you believe that us purebloods should be above those of lower class. We are the people who deserve this. We should be put up on a pedestal, those lower than us serving our every waking need. I know deep down, you believe that. Muggles and Half-bloods are inferior, and we Arabella are much more superior. Arabella, join me. Join us." Sirius spoke lowly, sending chills down Arabella's spine.

"Who's us?" Arabella asked nervously.

"People like us Arabella, purebloods. Purebloods who believe in a better wizarding world for all of us."

"You mean all of the people like them?" Arabella asked, finding her voice and her bravery.

"I mean, all of the people who deserve to be practicing magic. Us. Join our movement Ara, we could use someone with your abilities."

"What about Remus? He's one of your best friends and he's a half-blood. Don't you think he deserves to practice magic."

"I regret being associated with that fool." Sirius spat.

This made Arabella angry. "HOW DARE YOU!" She screamed, pushing Sirius away. "He is our best friend and he just so happens to be one of the smartest, kindest, and bravest people that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. His blood type does not matter and it shouldn't because it does not define his abilities and whether or not he is entitled to magic. What matters it is the fact that he is an amazing person and one that you should feel incredibly privileged to be associated with." She said angrily, backing Sirius up to a wall, drawing her wand out.

"You're lucky that the little respect that I have for you is stopping me from hexing you into your next life." She said, backing away and putting her wand down.

"Where the hell are James, Peter, and Remus?" She muttered to herself, walking away from a dumbfounded Sirius Black.


hey guys, hope you like this one! give it a vote if you think it's worthy and let me know what you think in the comments.

also, thank you guys for over 1k votes!! It's crazy and I have no idea what i did to deserve it, i am eternally grateful.

next chaps coming sooner than ya think,

lots of love and i'll see ya when i see ya,

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