32: Secret-Keepers

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Undisclosed Location, 10:45 pm

"I'M AFRAID I HAVE some unsettling news." Albus Dumbledore said nervously, causing every person in the room to hold their breath in anticipation - Albus Dumbledore was rarely nervous, seeing him in such a state caused everyone to feel uneasy. 

"What is it professor? I'm sure we can handle it." James Potter laughed, though everyone could recognize the falter in his voice, washing out the air of confidence around him. Remus Lupin shook his head and gestured for the professor to continue.

"I admire your enthusiasm Mr Potter, but I am afraid not even you can handle it." Dumbledore smiled warily, shaking his head, unsure of how to break the news to everyone. "As it directly relates to you."

James gulped, his face becoming increasingly pale by the second. "Excuse me, professor, but I think it would be best if you just told us outright. James might pass out at any moment." Arabella joked, but her voice faltered. Her right leg bouncing up and down in nervousness. She didn't even notice that she was doing it at first, until Sirius placed his hand on her thigh. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly.

"I'm obviously not, Sirius." She whispered back, her tone harsh. "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that harshly. Thanks for the concern, love."

Sirius nodded and turned his attention back to Dumbledore who was in the process of preparing himself to tell the others the news.

"I'm afraid that Lord Voldemort has chosen to specifically choose your children as targets." Dumbledore said, looking at the Potters and the Longbottoms. 

Gasps could be heard throughout the room, the loudest ones coming from the Potters and the Longbottoms themselves. Lily was about to faint and James wasn't doing any better. He was gripping the table so hard that his knuckles turned white. Frank and Alice tried their best to keep calm and collected but on the inside they were freaking out just as much as Lily and James, maybe even more.

"I'm so sorry, James, Lily, Alice, and Frank." Dumbledore said ruefully, lowering his head unable to meet their frightened eyes.

A tense silence settled upon the room. Arabella and Sirius were relieved that Voldemort did not make Cass his target. Each of them breathed a little easier and slightly at ease. However, this did not stop them from immensely worrying about their godson, Harry. They could not imagine what it must feel like for James, Lily, Frank, and Alice.

"Why would he want to make these children his targets?" Arabella asked, inding her voice again after a few minutes of silence. James, Lily, Frank, and Alice stared at the  professor blankly, still unable to fully process everything.

"There is a prophecy wherein Voldemort shall be defeated by either one of your children as its chosen one because the child must be born at the end of July. To avoid this, he figures that he must..." Dumbledore gulped nervously before continuing, "kill them."

"What do you suggest we do about this professor?" James asked, trying to sound confident but his voice broke at the end as tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. Arabella couldn't help but want to engulf he and Lily in a hug, not used to seeing them so broken. 

"I suggest that you should all go into hiding and cast a Fidelius charm. This would make the secret impossible to find. So even if Voldemort would search the entirety of London, he would never find you. However, it requires a secret-keeper. Since the secret is going to be hidden inside an actual person." Dumbledore explained with Lily, James, Frank, and Alice nodding and hanging on to every word he spoke.

"Now, I would like to offer myself as your secret-keeper-" Dumbledore started but was cut off by James.

"Excuse me, professor. But I think I speak for Lily and myself that we rather just have one of our friends be our secret-keeper." James said with Lily nodding beside him.

"Professor, we would like you to be our secret-keeper." Alice said, looking at Frank and then back to the professor with Frank just nodding in agreement.

"Well alright then," Dumbledore said clapping his hands together. "Lily, James, I'll let you choose yours."

James and Lily didn't have to think for long to decide. All they had to do was exchange a few quiet words and they have already reached an accord.

"Professor, we want Sirius to be our secret-keeper." James said.

"And we want Ara to cast the Fidelius charm." Lily continued.


"Are you sure about this?" 

Sirius and Arabella said in shock as soon as they heard their names.

"Of course we are." Lily smiled sadly. "There is no one else we would rather want."

"The Fidelius charm is such a difficult spell to cast though, I'm not sure if I can-" Arabella rambled nervously but was cur off by James' laugh.

"You were the best at charms in our year, Ara. There is no doubt in my mind that you can do it." James said, smiling fondly at her but their was a sadness in his eyes. Already sensing, Sirius' nervousness and doubt, he continued, "Sirius, you're my best mate. I know that you can handle this."

"It is settled then." Dumbledore said and the meeting came to a close.


SIRIUS BLACK  paced back and forth in front of Peter Pettigrew's doorstep. He had already knocked a few times and was only waiting for him to answer the door. When the door opened, it revealed a very disgruntled Peter. His hair was a mess and his clothes slightly wrinkled.

Sirius showed himself in and continued to pace. "Shut the door." He said sharply.

"Well, come on in then." Peter said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he shut the front door. "What are you doing here Sirius?"

"I need you to become James and Lily's secret-keeper." Sirius said, looking at Peter.

"What? Why?" Peter asked, surprised and slightly flustered.

"I'm too obvious. Voldemort will immediately suspect me." Sirius said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why me? Why not Remus?" he asked, still unsure on why Sirius was coming to him.

"Look, I've been suspecting that Remus is working with the other side. Don't tell Ara I said that. I don't trust him right now, Peter." 

Peter could only just nod, still processing everything.

"You can't let Remus or Dumbledore know about this. Alright?"

Peter nodded.

"So, do you accept this task?" 

"I do."

As Peter led Sirius to the front door and waved him goodbye, he could only think of one thing:
His job had just gotten a lot easier.


HEY! sorry it's been a while. anyways i'm back and holyyyyyy shit this chapter. oh no peter::(

anyways here are the titles of the next two chaps so y'all have an idea without giving away too much bc im so hyped and ready for it
33: The End of an Era
34: 10 Years Later

prepare yourselves for the roller coaster that is to come and these next chaps are gonna be kinda long 

alright so let me know what you think in the comments and give it a vote if you think it deserves one

lots of love and i'll see ya when i see ya,


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