Kol Mikaelson - "Here take my blanket"

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"No!" You turned from one side to the other. Your skin was covered in sweat and salted tears rolled down your cheeks. "No! No! Please..." You turned again and you would have fallen over the edge of the bed if a strong hand had not grabbed you in time.

"(Y/N)..." Kol whispered your name and he waited until your eyes flashed open and a loud scream escaped your lips. "Hey, hey, calm down..." He wrapped his arms around your trembling body and pressed you to his naked chest. "They can't hurt you anymore." He rocked you back and forth until he heard your heartbeat slowing down, your breathing steadying. "You're safe with me." He pressed a soft kiss to your temple and you took a deep breath while you closed your eyes and held onto him as tightly as you could.

"I had a bad dream again..." You had woken up like this for weeks now, night after night, always covered in sweat and screaming.

Kol knew that it was his fault. Kol knew that you had nightmares because you had fallen in love with him and because he had fallen in love with you. He had made too many enemies over the years. There were too many people finally seeing their chance to hurt Kol Mikaelson, to ruin his life like he had ruined theirs. Maybe if he had known that one day he would meet you, he would have been more careful, would have thought about your safety more. Maybe he would have made the same mistakes, because he didn't allow himself to believe that somewhen, in the far far future, love would be waiting for him.

"They told me you wouldn't come for me. They told me you had moved on. They told me that they could do whatever they wanted with me, to me, that you didn't care anymore." A shiver rolled down your spine and a few more tears escaped your red and swollen eyes.

"That will never happen, I promise." Kol tightened his grip a little and his soft lips kissed your hair. "How could I ever forget about you? How could I forget the one making me feel alive again? How could I forget the one always putting me first? How could I forget the one loving me like no one else has ever done?" He meant each and every word that escaped his lips. He wouldn't even know what he would do if he would ever lose you. He would probably kill everyone responsible for your death. And he would kill their families. And he would kill their friends. He would ruin the cities where they lived. He would turn everything dear to them to ashes.

Your lips curled up into a smile, probably because you had not heard the thoughts that had crossed his mind. You made him want to be a better person, you made him want to try to behave. But without you, there would be nothing but an awful lot of violence and death. "If only my dream personality would know how much you really love me..."

"Maybe we can try something..." Kol gently placed you down on the bed again and grabbed one of the blankets covering his own body. "Here, take my blanket." He placed the blanket over you and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "Maybe your subconscious will then understand that I'm not going anywhere. Never."

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