Apologies and Childbirth

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Beyonce walks toward the door where Jay and Usher was standing she hands the ice to Usher and focus all of her attention on Jay
(Beyonce) Shawn what are you doing here
(Jay) I know you're not questioning me right now when your sitting in another mans house wearing his clothes and bringing him ice and shit
(Beyonce) Baby this is not what it looks like
(Jay) Don't baby me what the fu-
(Usher) Imma need you to leave
(Jay) Look Bro I suggest you stop talking to me before yo left eye start looking like yo right eye ya dig
(Usher) No I don't dig. You need to leave before I call the cops
(Beyonce) Usher please don't could you just please give us a minute
(Usher) Hell no! this is my house
(Beyonce) Please
(Usher) Imma go put this ice on my face i'll be back in like 10 minutes
(Jay) Beyonce lets go
(Beyonce) Shawn we can talk here 
(Jay) Are you out of yo fucking mind. Do you honestly think ima stay in a mans house that my wife just got done fucking
(Beyonce) Shawn we did not have sex
(Jay) Ch- first you sleeping around and now you lying you know what I shouldn't of never married yo stupid ass
(Beyonce) What *crying*
(Jay) You heard me. You know what I'm out of hear and you can keep you trifling ass right hear
(Beyonce) *Grabbing Jay* Baby please I didn't sleep with him I would never cheat on you
(Jay) *snatching away from Beyonce* Let me go!
Jay leaves.
(Usher) Are you ok
(Beyonce) *Crying*  Do I look ok could you please just go get my stuff so I can leave
(Usher) Are you sure 
(Beyonce) Please
(Usher) I don't think it's ready yet
(Beyonce) I don't care just go get it
Usher went to get Beyonce's things and she gets dress and leaves. Meanwhile Jay is just getting home.
(Jay) Kiara!!!!
(Kiara) *irritated* Yes
(Jay) Take Hazel to my moms house tell her I'm sorry for not calling first.
(Kiara) She is sleeping
(Jay) Just do it and you can go home too
(Kiara) Ok
Kiara did what she was told and Jay sat in the living room waiting on Beyonce to show up. He figured she would come home that's why he got rid of Hazel and Kiara. 
(Jay) I can't believe she cheated on me we've only been married a few months and this is how she acts. I can't believe this-
Beyonce walked in interrupting his thoughts 
(Beyonce) BABY!!!!!!!!!!
(Jay) *Silence*
(Beyonce) Shawn *walking through the house looking for him*
(Jay) *Silence*
Jay's phone started to ring, it was his mother and he already knew what she wanted so he declined the call. The sound of Jay's phone ringing led Beyonce to him
(Beyonce) You didn't hear me calling you
(Jay) *Silence*
(Beyonce) *sits next to Jay on the couch* Baby I know you mad but please talk to me
(Jay) *Silence* 
(Beyonce) I didn't sleep with him. the reason I was in his clothes was because I spilled whine all over mine and I needed to wash them. Baby did nothing happen I would never cheat on you especially now that we are married. 
(Jay) *Silence*
(Beyonce) Please say something
(Jay) Something!
(Beyonce) I'm serious 
(Jay) I am too I don't know what to say to you
(Beyonce) I said I was sorry and I told you the truth 
(Jay) Beyonce I'm not stupid I know you didn't sleep with him
(Beyonce) So whats the problem and why did you say all those hurtful things to me
(Jay) *silence*
(Beyonce) You're jealous. Of him baby listen I don't love him I-
(Jay) Beyonce get your fucking hands out of your cooch I'm not jealous of him
(Beyonce) So what is the problem
(Jay) You're my fucking problem *gets up and heads to the bedroom*
(Beyonce) What the Hell *Gets up and follow him to the bedroom* I don't know what yo problem is Shawn tell me what did I do that got you so pressed 
(Jay) *heading into the closet* *Silence*
(Beyonce) What are doing talk to me
(Jay) *putting clothes into a suitcase* *Silence*
(Beyonce) * noticing the suit case* Shawn where are you going
(Jay) I'm not going anywhere but you are. I wont you to get the hell out until you can figure out what you did
(Beyonce) What? Shawn I'm not going anywhere this is also my house
(Jay) Fine!! Don't leave me and Hazel will 
(Beyonce) You can't take Hazel away from me
(Jay) Watch me
Jay packs some of his things and some of Hazel's things and than leave.
(Beyonce) *Crying* Honestly What did I do. 
Two weeks went by and Beyonce still has not heard from Jay or Hazel. Beyonce had heard from Angie that Hazel was having her birthday party at some type of kidding play land. So Beyonce decided to show up. But was stopped by security.
(Beyonce) What the hell 
(Security guy) Mr.Carter told us to not let you in
(Beyonce) What you mean this  is my daughter's third birthday party
(Security) We are just doing our job ma'am 
(Beyonce) I suggest you let me in before I take off these heels and earrings and go ratchet ass bitch on you
(Security) There is no need for that
(Beyonce) Well than let me in
(Security) I can't and I'm sorry now please leave
That comment pissed Beyonce off so she started cussing out the security guy and was sooo loud that people in the party was starting to hear
*Inside the party*
(Kanye) Beyonce is hear man
(Jay) I know look man can you hold things down in hear while I go deal with this
(Kanye) It's time to let it go Jay she didn't sleep with him and I don't even know why you mad at her.
(Jay) Yea but she do *Jay leaves*
(Kanye) Apparently not
(Jay) What is going on out here
(Beyonce) O so you gone keep me away from seeing Hazel on her birthday Shawn that's low really low *starts walking to her car*
(Jay) Beyonce wait!!
(Beyonce) Wait for what i'm out of here
(Jay) *Grabs Beyonce's are* I said wait
(Beyonce) Wait for what let me go
(Jay) Jay come with me
(Beyonce) Come with you where if were not going into that party I'm not going anywhere with you
(Jay) Well we're not going into the party
(Beyonce) Then I'm out of here * snatching away from Jay's grip*
(Jay) No your not

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