Bey & Jay IV Ever

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(Jay) *turns around and looks at Bey* What
(Beyonce) First of all you should really stop running out on me before I run out on you. And if I run I'm not coming back. Shawn you are starting to piss me off
(Jay) *shocked* O I'm pissing you off but you just brought another man to our house. Beyonce you couldn't waited until we was really over. I knew ya'll was in love with each other. I hope you gona be happy with your new life-
(Beyonce) *rolls eyes* Shawn shut the hell up and stop assuming stuff all the time. 
(Jay) *silence*
(Beyonce) *thinking* He cry more than me damn *rolls eyes*
(Beyonce) First of all Lydelle and I are not in love
(Jay) And you really want me to believe that when he is standing inside my house waiting on you 
(Beyonce) He is not waiting on me he is waiting on Ty. Lydelle is gay
(Jay) O_o *silence*
(Beyonce) Right so before you start assuming stuff you should ask questions first
(Jay) Beyonce look I'm sorry
(Beyonce) And you don't trust me so ima go back in the house and wait for Ty to get here and you can go
(Jay) What?!
(Beyonce) Go back to where you staying at because apparently you still haven't learned to trust me
(Jay) But we are married
(Beyonce) I don't care
(Jay) You know what Beyonce this is my house too. I pay bills just like you *walking pass Beyonce heading back into the house*
(Beyonce) Ok what do that mean
(Jay) It means that I'm not going anywhere this big ass house is big enough for the both of us. You can take one side and I'll take the other
(Beyonce) O_o *follows Jay back into the house*
(Beyonce) Lydelle umm can we do this another time? Please
(Lydelle) Yea sure
(Beyonce) Ok you have Ty number already just call him
(Lydelle) Ok see you Bey
(Beyonce) Bye
Lydelle leaves............
*At Angie's house*
Angie and Kanye are enjoying a movie with Kenya and Junior is sleeping
(Kanye) *snoring*
(Angie) *hits Kanye* Kanye wake up!!
(Kanye) What!!
(Angie) Why are you falling asleep during the movie *laughs*
(Kanye) Sorry but this is not my kind of movie
Angie looks at Kenya and notice that she is waaaay into the movie to even notice them talking
(Angie) What do you mean this not your type of movie
(Kanye) I mean like honestly I don't do Disney and Kenya shouldn't be watching it. These so called princesses are nothing but bad influences
(Angie) *CTFU* What are you talking about
(Kanye) I mean like this one we watching now Cinderella, Brandy is sneaking out the house to go to a party to meet a boy
(Angie) *Laughs* Are you serious right now
(Kanye) Hell yea I'm serious
(Angie) Watch your mouth around Kenya
(Kenya) I'm sorry I meant hecky yea but she aint paying attention anyway it look like she about to fall asleep. But anyway back to what I was saying-
(Angie) STOP! 
(Kanye) No you ask me what I think so ima tell you. Beauty And The Beast
(Angie) What about it
(Kanye) The princess feel in love with a violent creature 
(Angie) *Laughs* Kanye shut up! What about Snow White now she was a good princess 
(Kanye) *gives Angie a no you didn't type look*  She was the worst of them all
(Angie) How?
(Kanye) She was living with 7 niggas
(Angie) They where friends
(Kanye) Everybody knows Snow White waws fu-
(Angie) Kanye!!
(Kanye) Doing nasty thing with the dwarfs
(Angie) *CTFU* Are you serious right now
(Kanye) Yea I'm serious. You know what I don't even want her watching fairy tales anymore
(Angie) *laughs* I can't with you right now I'm about to go put her in the bed she falling asleep anyway
(Kanye) *laughs* Ok
(Angie) *picking up Kenya* And by the way she can watch as many fairy tales as she wont. 
(Kanye) Ok and when she join the cast of that stupid ass tv show 16 & pregnant don't say I didn't  warn you
(Angie) *shaking her had* What ever I'll be back *Walking away towards Kenya's room*
Angie puts Kenya to bed and Kanye go makes him bowl of cereal.
Jay walks into the living room and sits on the couch and Beyonce sits next to him
(Beyonce) You know what Shawn this is not what I had in mind when I said I'll marry you
(Jay) So what you saying. Do you want a divorce 
(Beyonce) *Silence*
(Jay) Beyonce I know we're not talking about divorce
(Beyonce) Of course not but I do want to go to marriage counselling   
(Jay) Beyonce I am not about to pay to hear somebody say  "And how does that make you feel" Over and over again
(Beyonce) Seriously Shawn we've only been married a few months and we are not happy. We was better off when we were just dating. Baby this is something we need
(Jay) *Looks at Bey* If I do this counselling with you will you end this separation shit
(Beyonce) Yes I will. Baby I love you soooo much but this marriage is not working out at lease its not now
(Jay) I know but I'm willing to do anything it takes to get it back on track.
(Beyonce) *smiles* Ok *kisses Jay*
(Jay) So now what?
(Beyonce) Well I really need a drink but ummm I don't think the baby would like that
(Jay) *laughs* You damn right. Well I did have a whole night plan for you.
(Beyonce) Really?!
(Jay) Yea are you hungry
(Beyonce) Yea!
(Jay) Come on then
Beyonce follows Jay up into the bathroom. Jay had filled the bathtub up with water with french vanilla bubbles. He also had lit about 25 vanilla candles that lit the bathroom up.
(Beyonce) Omg baby this is beautiful *smiles* 
(Jay) And it's all for you
(Beyonce) *smiles* 
(Jay) Ok get in and relax for as long as you need to. I got another surprise for you when you get out
(Beyonce) Ok!!
*Angie's House*
Angie joins Kanye in the kitchen when she noticed he wasn't in the living 
(Angie) You always eating up shit
(Kanye) Well....
(Angie) And why didn't you make a sandwich or something cereal is for breakfast 
(Kanye) I didn't feel like it
(Angie) *laughs*
Junior started to cry
(Angie) Awww he probably hungry go get him while I make him a bottle
(Kanye) *putting the bowl of cereal on the island* Alright 
Kanye goes to get Junior and Angie goes into the refrigerator and see's that her breast milk was gone
(Angie) What the hell. *looking at Kanye who was walking back into the kitchen with Junior*
(Kanye) What's wrong
(Angie) What did I tell you about the milk
(Kanye) *looking at Angie like she crazy* You said the picture with the blue top is for everybody and the picture with the pink top is breast milk for Junior.
(Angie) *giving Kanye a death stare* No the hell I didn't I said it the other way around.
(Kanye) So I drunk you're breast milk
(Angie) No shit now Junior don't have any milk to drink 
(Kanye) I knew that milk taste fresher or something
(Angie) Kanye!!!!! What the hell we gone do about my baby eating now
(Kanye) Can't you just pump some more or just breastfeed him
(Angie) He don't like to latch on uggg give me my son and go get the pump. *taking Junior from Kanye*
(Kanye) Fine!! *walks away*
(Kanye) I hope my son don't grow up to be gay who wouldn't want to suck on the double D's 
Kanye returns with the pump a few seconds later and Angie pumped while Kanye entertained Junior
Mean while.....
Beyonce soaked in the tub for about a hour and when she came out the bathroom Jay was standing there
(Jay) Take off your robe and lay on the bed
(Beyonce) I think sex would compli-
(Jay) I didn't say anything about sex so just do it
(Beyonce) Ok
Beyonce did as she was told and Jay massage every part of her.
(Beyonce) That feels good
(Jay) *smiles*
Jay massage Beyonce for about a hour before she feel asleep. Jay then feel asleep right next to her.

Ok lets skip a head a few months Jay and Bey have attended all of their counselling sessions and they are doing  so much better. It is September 4th Beyonce's birthday and Beyonce is 5 months pregnant now and is showing they found out she was having a girl.  Now Bey and Jay are at their house having a birthday lunch with Kelly, Kanye, Ty, Angie, Michelle, Solange and Angie. Mama Tina and Mama Gloria took the grand-kids out for lunch.

(Kelly) So since yall know what ya'll having what are you gona name her
(Beyonce) I wana name her Blue
(Solange) You bet not name my niece no damn Blue
(Michelle) That his her baby she can name her what she pleases
(Jay) We are gona name her either Ivy Blue or Blue Ivy we haven't decided yet
(Kelly) I like it either way
(Michelle) Me too
(Ty) Well I don't it sound like a damn crayola crayon 
(Angie & Kanye) *laughs*
(Beyonce) That is not funny. And shut up Ty
(Solange) Name her her Blue Ivy that is pretty
(Beyonce) I thought you didn't like it
(Solange) Well when you put Ivy on it its sounds pretty
(Ty) Suck up
(Angie) Shut up
(Beyonce) *whispers* ooch
(Jay) What's wrong?
(Beyonce) It feel like she is playing soccer. See feel *putting Jay hands on her stomach*
Jay touches her stomach
(Michelle, Angie, Kanye, TY, Kelly, and Solange) Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
(Bey & Jay) Shut up
Everybody started joking around and cracking jokes having a good time until they heard the doorbell.
(Jay) I'll get 
(Beyonce) Its probably them bringing the kids back
(Jay) Jay goes yo get the door
(Beyonce) So is everything working out for you and Lydelle Ty
(Kelly) Don't you mean him Lydelle and Jaylyn
(Beyonce) You cheating on Lydelle
(Ty) No 
(Angie) So what is Kelly talking about
(Kanye) *laughs* This nigga a clown he not cheating on Lydelle he cheating on Jaylyn
(Ty) Right!!
(Michelle) You are not gonna have any good luck
(Ty) Well I'm having it now
Everyone laughs except Michelle. Than Jay returns with Mathew who is pissed as hell.
(Everybody besides Solo &Bey) Hey Mat
(Bey & Solo) Hey dad
(Mathew) Hey. Beyonce what the hell is this shit *slamming the papers on the table*
(Beyonce) I think you know what it is and I know you know why I gave it to you
Mathew gives Beyonce a death stare
(Ty) Awww shit. Shit about to get real

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