WTF Jay????

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Jay  woke up and found Beyonce laying on his chest and all he could think about was how beautiful she was and how much he loved her already.

(Jay) *Thinking*

I've only been knowing this girl for two weeks and she already got me sprung. I can't believe this shit men
(Beyonce) * Interrupting Jays thoughts* Good Morning
(Jay) You mean good afternoon its 12:25
(Beyonce What? Really? Omg Kelly is going to fucking kill me if I'm late to her luncheon today shit!
(Jay) What is she having a luncheon for
(Beyonce) Her and her mama returning to New York today but I gotta get dress so you can stay here or what ever *getting up out of bed*
(Jay) Nawl Imma head out I need to go home and shower so I can  go to work I haven't been in the office in like two weeks and I haven't talked Ye he probably going crazy *laughs*
(Beyonce) I haven't talk to my family in about two weeks either but than again my friends left me
(Jay) But ima get out of here I'll call you tonight
(Beyonce) Ok *they kiss* bye
(Jay) Bye

About a hour later Bey is dressed and just arrived at the luncheon. Its being held at Kelly's house and everyone is there. Michelle, Ty, Angie, Solange Julezs and Danielle.

(Beyonce) Hi everybody sorry I'm late
(Tina) I almost called the cops I haven't talked to you in about two weeks
(Beyonce) Sorry mom I've been busy 
(Beyonce) But anyway where is my nephew
(Solange) He is sleeping so please lower your voice
(Beyonce) My bad but anywho---
(Ty) Anywho what had you so tied up that you couldn't pick up the phone and call anyone these past two weeks
(Beyonce) None of yo business.... Hi mom *hugging kelly's mom* I'm happy you doing ok
(Kelendria) Thanks honey
*Beyonce sits across from her mom after she hugs everybody
(Angie) Beyonce you've been having sex
(Beyonce) What?!
(Ty) Girl you've been smiling cheesing and glowing since you walked in
(Beyonce) I don't know what yall talking
(Kelly) Leave my sister alone
(Solange) Right!! Don't nobody wana here about her sex life
(Mathew) Alright can we change the subject
(Beyonce) Thank You daddy

After about a hour of conversation and eating the whole family went into the living room to finish talking but was interrupted when Beyonce phone had rung by this time it was 3pm

(Beyonce) I'll be back I gotta take this *Beyonce gets up and goes into the next room*
(Ty) Since when do she gotta go into the next room to answer her phone
(Angie) Right! Beyonce is seeing somebody and that's where she's been at the past few weeks
(Michelle) Well if she is its between her him and God
(Kelly) Right so when she come back in here leave her alone
(Mathew) Nawl if my daughter is seeing someone I wana know who it is
(Tina) It is not your business Mat
(Solange) Right! Plus she deserves this she haven't even talked to a man since Lydelle
(Kelendria) Really?
(Kelly) Yea mom she always talking about how she don't need a man
*Beyonce re-enters the room*
(Beyonce) I just invited my new boyfriend over I think you should meet him
(Ty) I knew it!
(Beyonce) Shut up
(Angie) So that's who been keeping you tied down these past few weeks
(Solange & Michelle) What's his name
(Kelly) Have we met him before
(Mathew) Is he in the music industry
(Tina) Does it matter
(Mathew) It was just a question
(Kelendria) Stop patronizing the girl
(Beyonce) Thanks Mama Len (That's what the girls call Kelendria for short)
(Kelendria) You're welcome baby
(Beyonce) Its Jay Z
(Beyonce) What?
(Mathew) I don't want you see him
(Beyonce) Dad its not your choice I'm grown and I will date who I want
(Mathew) O no the hell you want he is not good enough for you he is player and an ex drug dealer
(Tina) Calm down Mat
(Beyonce) Thanks mom
(Tina) I'm not supporting this relationship either. I'm just trying to calm yo daddy down before he pops a blood vessel but it seem like you really care about him so ima give him a chance
(Beyonce) Mom he is great and he has changed a lot
(Mathew) How do you know that if you only been knowing him for 2 weeks
*Beyonce phone rings*
(Beyonce) Hello
(Jay) I'm outside
(Beyonce) Ok here I come *hangs up*
(Beyonce) He is here so be nice please dad
(Mathew) NO!!!!!!! I'm leaving I'm not here for this fuckery *Gets up and leave*
(Beyonce) Dad!!!
(Mathew) Come on Tina unless you wana walk home
(Tina) Shut the fuck up Mat i'll come when I get ready
(Mathew) No! bring your ass on NOW!
(Tina) Go sit yo ass in the car and wait until I get out there
(Michelle) That language
(Solange) Dad if you wake Julezs up he is coming home with you
(Danielle) How about if we just leave
(Beyonce) No!! How about I just leave
(Solange) Yea Danielle go pack Julezs and i'll meet yall in the car after I meet Jay. Beyonce you're not going any where until I meet him
(Kelly, Michelle, Ty and Angie) RIGHT!!!!
(Beyonce) Well just meet me at house *Beyonce says good bye to everyone except her father and walks out the house

With in the next hour or so Kelly, Michelle, Angie, Solange, Tina, Kelendria and Ty went over to Beyonce house to meet Jay and the meeting went well they stayed at Beyonce house until about 10pm.

Now skipping a head a few years because I feel like its getting boring Beyonce and Jay are now 26 years old and their relationship has gotten stronger over the years it is now 2006 and Beyonce and Jay has decided to move in with each other.  The whole family except for Jay is in LA for the premiere of Dreamgirls. Beyonce and the rest of her family flew in a week early and Jay had some work to do with Rihanna a new artist he just signed so he decided to fly in the day before the show around 9am.
*Its 10am and Jay was suppose to be in LA right now but he is still in New York

(Beyonce) Jay where is you at you was suppose to be here a hour ago 
(Jay) Beyonce chill I missed my flight but i'll be there
(Beyonce) How the hell you miss your flight what where you doing
(Jay) I was trying to make us some money
(Beyonce) Well what if you miss my premiere of my movie imma---
(Jay) Beyonce I said chill the fuck out Imma be there I'm just running late
(Beyonce) What ever what time are you gona be here
(Jay) I should be there in the next 3 hours
(Beyonce) I hope so I miss you
(Jay) I miss you too but like I said I'll be there. The premiere is not until tomorrow anyway I've got plenty of time to get there
(Beyonce) Sure
(Jay) I love you
(Beyonce) I love you too
(Jay) I gotta go ima call you latter
(Beyonce) What you mean you gonna call me later I wanted to talk
(Jay) Bae we can talk later
(Beyonce) What are doing that's more important than talking to me
(Jay) I'm not doing anything
(Beyonce) So why can't we talk
(Jay) Because I'm busy
(Beyonce) You just told me you wasn't doing anything. You know what Shawn you are full of shit *CLICK! Beyonce hangs up the phone mad as hell*
*Beyonce then here a knock on her hotel room door*
(Beyonce) Who is it
(Ty) It's us bitch open the door
Beyonce Opens the door
(Beyonce) What do yall want 
(Ty) We about to go out and get some drinks. You wana come
(Beyonce) Nawl Jay just pissed me off I'm staying in tonight
(Angie) Beyonce please Jay always pissing you off get yo stanky ass in the shower and put on a freekum dress and some red bottoms and bring yo ass 
(Beyonce) I said I don't wanna come
(Kelly) Beyonce girrrlll get dress so we can go
(Michelle) If she don't wana come she don't have to. Its probably a good Idea to stay in anyway Bey if you staying in i'll stay in with you.
(Beyonce) On second thought I'll be dressed in about 20 minutes

45 minutes later the girls and Ty was at the club drinking and partying having a good ass time.

(Michelle) Aye Bey isn't that Lydelle over there 
(Beyonce) Where?
(Michelle) By the bar
(Beyonce) Yea that's him I haven't talk to him since we left Houston
(Angie) What yall bitches over her talking about
(Beyonce) Lydelle is here
(Angie) Are you gona say hi
(Ty) Hell nawl..... She know Jay will beat her ass
(Beyonce) Fuck You Ty I'm a grown ass women I'll do what I want and saying Hi to him is something I don't wana do. Now can we leave its getting late anyway and we gotta get up early in the morning
(Ty) Hell No we just got here its only 10pm
(Angie) I know right Bey get yo panties out yo ass and lets have a good time
(Beyonce) I'm not feeling this shit tonight Ima catch a cab and go back to the hotel
(Michelle) I'll go with you they aint playing any good music in here anyway
(Ty) Michelle what the hell you talking about they been playing slap ass music all night
(Michelle) This is the devils music, You ready Bey? 
(Beyonce) Yea where Kelly at though
(Angie) That's a good question
(Ty) Last Time I seen her she was grinding up on some ugly ass nigga
(Angie) Look there go her fast ass right now
(Beyonce) Well it looks like she having fun so me and Michelle will see yall later. 
(Angie & Ty) Alright
(Beyonce) Make sure yall take care of my sister
(Ty) We got her
*Beyonce leaves the club and waits outside for their cab*
(Michelle) Bey whats wrong
(Beyonce) Its Jay girl he was suppose to be here hours ago
(Michelle) Did you try calling him
(Beyonce) Yea and he aint answer or call me back
(Michelle) Jay is a good guy he probably got on the plane on his way here that could be why he's not answering
(Beyonce) Maybe
*Just than the cab pulled up and about 20minutes later they was at the hotel Michelle went to her room and Bey went to her's its about 11pm now
(Beyonce) I can't believe this nigga still not here *Opening her hotel room door*
(Jay) Where you been at
(Beyonce) What the fuck 
(Jay) You heard me
(Beyonce) No nigga you scared me
(Jay) O im sorry but where you coming from
(Beyonce) I went to the club with Ty, Angie, Michelle, and Kelly. But how did you get in here
(Jay) Solange let me in here but can I have a kiss
(Beyonce) NO! You was suppose to be here hours ago where have you been
(Jay) I'm sorry my plane was delayed 
(Beyonce) And you couldn't pick of the phone and tell me that
(Jay) My battery was dead I'm sorry do you forgive me?
(Beyonce) No
(Jay) What do I have to do to get you to  forgive me 
(Beyonce) I don't know I gotta think about it
(Jay) Well I got a idea *walks over to Beyonce*
(Beyonce) Jay I'm not in the mood for sex tonight
(Jay) *kisses Beyonce* I'm sorry baby. 
Jay than starts sucking on her neck and Beyonce lets out a soft moan
(Beyonce) Jay I said not tonight
Jay picks Beyonce up and lays her on the bed without stopping working on her neck
(Beyonce) *Moan* Jay that feels nice
(Jay) I know
Jay than starts kissing Beyonce again and without stopping the kiss he ripped her dress off her
(Beyonce) Jay what the fuck this dress cost $1500 dollars
(Jay) I don't care I'll buy you another one
Jay then rips her G-string off with one hand. Which turned Beyonce even more. Then he went down on her and started tongue fucking her and it drove Beyonce crazy
(Beyonce) SHIT!!!! Jay *Moans*
(Jay) Hmma you like that don't you
(Beyonce) YES!
Jay continue eating Beyonce until she came 3 minutes later
(Jay) You ready for this Bey
(Beyonce) Yes
Jay at full attention went deep into to Beyonce and they was chest to chest (After he put the condom on)
(Beyonce) *Moans* fuck JAAaaayyY!!
(Jay) Do you forgive now
(Beyonce) yes
(Jay) *starting stroking Beyonce faster and harder* I can't here you
(Beyonce) YESSSSSSSS!!. 
Beyonce was loosing control and she hated that so she started meeting Jay's trust until she was back in control. She was in control for about 10 minutes until Jay hit her spot
(Beyonce) Baby that's my spot
(Jay) I know you like this dick don't you
(Beyonce) Yessss Jay I'm about to cum
(Jay) Wait for me baby
(Beyonce) *cums*
(Jay) Jay comes shortly after that.
*After Jay and Beyonce finish having sex they just laid in the bed*
(Beyonce) I'm sorry for going off on you
(Jay) It's ok I shouldn't of been late
(Beyonce) *kisses jay* Its ok 
They both fell asleep
The next Morning Bey woke up first and went into the bathroom
(Beyonce) *looks into the mirror* OMG WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!? JAY!!!!!
(Jay) *wakes up and runs into the bathroom* What's wrong?

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