Hello Blue Ivy

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2 weeks after the baby shower Bey is now 8 months pregnant she will be official due next week and the story picks up in the courtroom.

Micheal: (Jay's lawyer) Ms. Hilson did you not sign these papers stating that you wanted to give full custody to Shawn and Beyonce

Keri: (On the witness stand) Yes I did but that was only because-

Micheal: I only asked you one thing

Keri: But I-

Micheal: Ms. Hilson please only speak when I ask you. Now was it true or false didn't you say that you wasn't able to care for Hazel anymore?

Robert: (Keri's Lawyer) OBJECTION!!! My client had just been in a car accident so of course she couldn't care for Hazel

Judge: Sustained!! Please ask another question

Micheal: Keri why did you lie about the DNA test. Why did you make Shawn believe Hazel was his Robert: OBJECTION!!!! This question has nothing to do with the case


Keri: Because *crying* Because *crying* 

Judge: Ok lets take a 10 minute recess and we will continue after that Ms. Hilson please get yourself together

Beyonce: (whispers to Jay) That bitch just want people to feel sorry for her

Jay: Calm down Bey

Keri: OK!!

Judge: Court is dismissed for 10 minutes 

Everyone leave's the court room except Bey, Jay and Micheal

Jay: So how is looking for us

Micheal: Do you want the good news or the bad news

Beyonce: The bad news Jay: The good news

Micheal: Ok lets start with the good news. The good news is everybody is on our side. The court feels that Keri is an unfit mother asking for attention

  Beyonce: So whats the bad news

Micheal: The bad news is the judge and the social worker is not convinced so in order to do that we will have to put Hazel on the stand

Beyonce: But she's only 3 and a half

Micheal: I know she is old enough to know what she wants to do and who who she wants to call mom and dad.

Jay: How long would she be up there

Micheal: 5 minute at the most

Jay: What you think Bey

Beyonce: Well if it will help the case of course

Jay: OK! But for 5 minutes

Micheal: Thats all I need

Beyonce: Ok 

Micheal gets up and leaves the courtroom to find Hazel so he can prep her for the stand. Hazel was right outside the door with mama Tina.

Beyonce: Shawn Imma go run to the rest room I have to pee really bad. I feel like Blue is sitting right on top of my bladder

Jay: *Laugh* Alright Imma go see what he doing to our baby

Beyonce: Ok help me up first

Jay helps Bey up and she goes to the rest room and within five minutes everyone was back in the courtroom and Keri was on the stand

Judge: Micheal ask Keri the question again

Micheal: Actually your honor I would like to call honor I would like to call another witness to the stand.

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