Goodbye Jayonce

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(Beyonce) *Crying* Shawn I said I was sorry please just let me stay with you at lease until your family come back 

(Jay) Beyonce I can't deal with you right now. Now I said leave you are really starting to piss me off.

(Beyonce) *Crying* Fine

(Jay) *sighs* Beyonce wait!!

(Beyonce) *Sniffs* What?

(Jay) Send Hazel and Blue with my momma tomorrow I wanna see them

(Beyonce) Shawn I was gonna bring them tomorrow 

(Jay) I don't want to see you tomorrow or the next day or the day after that. As a matter of fact I don't want to see you as long as I'm in here

(Beyonce) You know what I said I was sorry and I can't make you forgive me. All I can do is hope you do but tomorrow I will send Hazel and Blue with your mom but know its the first and last time I do it.

Beyonce left without saying another word.

(Jay POV)

I know I was a little harsh but I couldn't believe what she had did. I know I cheated but the difference is I did it outside of the home. I know eventually I will forgive her I mean like I love that girl more then like itself I just don't know when I can. 

(Beyonce POV)

I got in the car and cried for a little while, I tried to pull off but I couldn't. I couldn't leave my husband alone in a hospital bed alone especially knowing that I'm half the reason why he's in there. I got out the car and went back in and he is just gonna deal I'm not leaving.

Beyonce went back into the hospital room and saw Jay struggling to eat his Jello so she grabbed the spoon with out saying anything and started feeding him.

(Jay) Beyonce look

(Beyonce) Shawn don't say anything because I'm not leaving you are my husband and I love you to death. I refuse to let you be in here over night by yourself especially since this is all my fault

(Jay) Beyonce its not all your fault yo lil boyfriend played apart in this too

(Beyonce) Shawn he is not my boyfriend.

(Jay) *taking the spoon away from Bey* Look if you wana stay fine just get away from me, sit over there somewhere.

Beyonce took the seat right next to Jay's bedside. Jay looked at her like she was crazy and he turned his head and went to sleep and shortly after he went to sleep Bey fell asleep too. The next morning Beyonce was woken up by Jay, he was trying to get out of the bed to get to the restroom

(Beyonce) Do you need some help

(Jay) *looks at Bey* Not from you

(Beyonce) Let me help you please

(Jay) *sits back on the bed* Beyonce why do you wanna help he. Better yet why should I let you help me

(Beyonce) Shawn I love you and I just really wana help you please let me help you I'm sorry.

(Jay) In our house Beyonce. You had sex in our house in our bed. The bed we have sex in, the bed our kids play in, the bed we sleep in every night together how could you

(Beyonce) Shawn how could you not be there for me? When Hazel was born every time Keri needed you, you left.

(Jay) Bey-

(Beyonce) I'm not done!!. Why when Hazel was born you was there for Keri when she needed you at 3am you got out of our bed and ran to her rescue. I needed you last night and you wasn't there. Hazel woke Blue up twice which made her extra cranky all she did was cry. Hazel smashed her fingers in something then she started crying. The night before I ask you to go get Blue a bottle and you went to sleep in the guestroom. Did you know I got about 2 hours asleep that night then had to get up and cook and take care of your two kids by myself. Shawn I needed help and you wasn't there I was becoming very depressed and Usher call and offered me some help. I wasn't in any position to turn it down especially when I didn't even have 10 minutes to myself to take a shower. Usher was nice enough to care for Blue while I took a shower then I made a mistake and fell asleep in our bed TBH I don't know how long I slept but it felt good. Then Usher came into the room and woke me up and we started talking and I started crying again. Shawn I was crying that whole day but anyways he let me cry on his shoulder and then it happened. Yes I was wrong and I am truly sorry, but what you fell to realized is if you would of been there when I needed you none of this would of happen.

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