Solange VS. Jacquelyn

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(Jay) I know I must dreaming

(Beyonce) Shawn *putting on her clothes* (remember she was still in her bath robe)

(Jay) Shut the fuck up talking to me Beyonce

(Usher) Man look-

(Jays POV)

Before he could get the words out I charged after his ass. I was about to kill him my right fist went into face first then my left one after that. Then my right one again and some how he managed to get me off of him and he started fighting back and he did get a few good punches in but I still was beating his. Then Beyonce had the nerve to try to stop me I pushed her ass against the wall and she fell into the dressers causing shit to fall off it. I didn't mean to push her that hard but she had another nigga giving her head in my mother fucking bed. I was kicking his ass I had this nigga bleeding from the mouth that was until I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach and I heard Bey screaming. I just held my stomach and fell to the ground.

(Beyonce) Omg what did you do *crying*

(Usher) *spits out blood* I'm sorry I have to go 

(Beyonce) Omg Shawn baby please answer me

(Jay) Beyonce call for help

(Beyonce POV)

Omg why did I let happen, how could I be so stupid. I ran to phone and called for help then I held Shawn in my arms. I couldn't believe Usher stabbed him. I sat there holding Shawn in my arms then I saw Hazel looking at her father and all I could do was blame myself.  Hazel came running over to Shawn and starting crying.

(Jay) Beyonce take Hazel out of here

(Beyonce) I'm not leaving you

(Jay) Do what I said do

I picked Hazel up and told her to stay in her room then I call my mom and told her to come over and I told her it was an emergency. My mom and the Ems truck arrived at the same time

(Tina) Beyonce what happen

(Beyonce) *watching the paramedics work on Jay* Mom Usher stabbed him

(Tina) Why was here 

(Beyonce) Mom its along story but imma go to the hospital with Shawn please take care of the girls and call Shawn's family

(Tina) Ok

Tina did what she was told and by the time The EMS arrived with Jay he was past out because he lost so much blood. The doctors took Jay right up to surgery and of course they made Bey stay in the waiting room. While she was waiting Solo, Kanye, Kelly, Michelle, Ty, Gloria, Jamel and Jacquelyn and Brooklynn had arrived at the hospital. (Idk if ya'll remember but  Jacquelyn and Brooklynn are Jay's twin sisters and Jamel is his brother)

(Gloria) *In tears* Beyonce What happen

(Beyonce) *crying* He was stabbed

(Jacquelyn) By who 

(Beyonce) Usher

(Solange) Beyonce why house Usher at your house and why did he stab Jay

(Beyonce) Solo its a long story

(Jacquelyn) Well I think you better start explaining because my brother is lying in a hospital bed!!!! (She said it with an attitude and was trying to get smart with Bey on the sly* 

(Brooklyn) Jacquelyn-

(Solange) You need to watch your tone

(Jacquelyn) Look Solange don't start with me today I'm not in the mood

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