Welcome Home Jay!!!!!

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Beyonce and Jay are on there way home from the hospital and everybody else is at Beyonce house and planning a welcome home suprise party for Jay. Beyonce does not know about the party. 

*In the car Beyonce is driving* 

(Beyonce) So babe what you wana do when we get home. You've been away for about 2 weeks now and I miss back at home. 

(Jay) Well the first thing I wanna do is shower 

(Beyonce) Well babe you know you cant take a shower, you cant get your cast wet 

(Jay) Well I'll take a bath one leg out and the other one in 

(Beyonce) *laughs* Ok than do you wana order in I know you ready for real food

 (Jay) Well take out is not real food.

 (Beyonce) Well I'll cook 

(Jay) How about NO!

 (Beyonce) I can cook!

 (Jay) If you say so babe

 (Jay) I just wana shower than make love to my beautiful fiance and cudle for the rest of the night

 (Beyonce) With a broke leg 

(Jay) You heard the doctor my leg is broke but big daddy is fine

 (Beyonce) Ok but can big daddy stay at full attension I mean like you are on them pain meds 

(Jay) What! 

Beyonce) *Laughs* Ha! you heard me

 (Jay) Ok and when big daddy tear yo poor cooch up he will want an apology 

(Beyonce) Ok I sure will apologize if he can hold up, but if not I want you eat me

(Jay) Ok. Deal baby girl I was gona do that anyway


 (Angie) Stop baby im trying to get this done before they get back home 

(Kanye) Baby I want you 

(Angie) and you can have me after the party, now stop! 

(Kanye) Ok!! 

(Angie) Ok now what is taking Ty Kelly and Michelle so long with the cake gosh it dont take that long to bake a cake

 (Ty) Did I hear my name in yall mouth

 (Angie) Yes are you done with the cake 

(Ty) yea Kelly and Chelle decorating it now

 (Angie) Ok 

20 minutes later the whole family is at beyonce and jay's home Tina had forced Mathew to come and he really didnt want to but he came because he didnt want Tina to put him on "punishment" but soon after the guess arrived so did Bey and Jay 

(Everyone) SUPRISE!!!!!!!

 (Jay) What the hell

 (Beyonce) *noticing all the parents and Julezs* Jay watch your mouth

 (Ty) Are yall surprised

 (Beyonce) Yea im suprise

 (Jay) Yea *whispering to Beyonce* did you know about this

 (Beyonce) *shakes her head* No

 (Michelle) We wanted to surprise both of yall

(Beyonce) Oh *smiles lightly*

(Jay) *whispers to Bey* After this is over I'm tearing yo cooch up

(Beyonce) *smiles and whispers back* what ever we will see

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