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Well, I should have posted this Yesterday, but I didn't and I feel bad about it. So here's your chapter today. I'm updating this story on Tuesdays. Others on other days. Hope you enjoy it. Vote it up. Comment how you feel. add to your library. And add me for more. Thank you and good day c:

~Mystery Mel0dy

Schelby's POV

I had Matt sit in the front with me as Leda and Autumn sat in the back. I drove to a restaurant that was around five minutes away. It seemed nice. Everyone got out of the car and we headed to the building. We soon sat at a table and looked at the menu. There wasn't much that I liked. I narrowed it down to at least three or four ontrays. A teen-looking male with black, sideswept hair came up to us. "Are you ready to order?"

Leda spoke "I'll have a cheeseburger without pickles and a sprite."

Wait, what, they have those? I looked at the front od the menu and saw we are at Steak and Shake. God I'm blind.

"I'll have one with pickles and orange soda." Matt said.

My turn. Don't order the same thing that you usually do. "I'll have the Chicken Fingers and a Coke" Fuck. Oh well, at least I like it.

"Uuuh, chickin fingers as well and a Coke." Autumn said.

The waiter looked up at us and seemed at awe. He looked over at Autumn and placed his hand cassually on the table. "Sooooo ... Come here often?" He asked in a flirty voice.

I rolled my eyes. Autumn lifted her eyebrow. "err, this is my first time here." She said.

He smiled. "Well, you should come more often" He turned to Matt and Leda. "Love your videos" He placed a hand on my shoulder "You're a lucky girl." he smiled. "I'll go get your order."

We waited till he went away and everyone started laughing.

"He's kinda cute" Autumn said.

I giggled and rolled my eyes.

We turned to Leda. "So, do you like anyone back at home?" I asked her.

She blushed, smiled and looked down at the table. "Well, there is this one cute guy. He has brown hair and a british accent."

"Ooooh, accents are cute" I said.

"Especially British." Autumn followed up.

Leda blushed more and giggled. I smiled "Got for it" I said.

Leda paused for a moment then smiled. "Alright"

Matt placed his head on my shoulder then looked up at me. "Am I cute yet?"

I giggled and moved his hair out of his face "Of course you are."

He smiled then sat up "Good" he said then planted his lips against mine. I of course kissed back. He realesed and I giggled.

He set down the food and turned to Autumn "Sooooo, what's your name?" He asked her. I looked at his name tag and saw that it said 'Blake'

"Autumn" She responded.

"You're cute." Blake said.

"I got that" Autumn said.

He nodded and slowly walked away. I giggled a bit. Leda looked at me "So, hoe long have you and Matt been dating?"

"About a week now" I said.

She smiled "that sounds nice" she said.

"Wait, you two are dating?" Autumn asked surprised.

"Well, yeah" Matt said shyly.

"I thought the kiss thing was just a dare." Autumn said.

"Do you think I would have done it if I didn't like her?" Matt asked retoracly.

Autumn staired in shock. "W-well" she finally said.

"I feel bad because I didn't tell you" I said.

We finished our food and Blake gave us the check and looked at Autumn "Hope you come back soon"

Autumn smiled. Blake then walked back to the kitchen and I noticed him staring at her, smiling. I snickered then payed the check and we left.

[discontinued] I dared him to (MattG fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now