great up until now

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It's been a couple weeks sence the live show and Autumn is trying to get me to talk to Trevor, but I'm too scared. I wanna talk to him, but I can hardly say anything to him without getting scared and my voice turning into a squeak. I hate the feeling, I just hate it.

Matt vists my work just about everyday, ordering something a little diffrent each time.

But today was weird. I kept getting glares from a brunette girl who just walked in and sat at a booth without ordering anything.

She soon got up and came to my line. Once it was her turn to order, she gave me a scowl. "May I help you?" I asked her.

"Stay away from Matt, he's mine, I will have him" She said. I lifted an eyebrow, I knew who she is now.

"I'm sorry, but we live in the same building and he comes here daily, it's impossible not to see him." I said.

"Move out and get another job." She spat.

"no" I said effortlessly. She raged and grabbed my hair and banged my head against the counter. I screamed in pain. I soon felt her let go agressivly, ripping a chunk of hair off with her. I felt blood drip from my nose. She began to run out but two other employees grabbed her and pinned her to the floor. The shook violently, trying to get from their graps. I looked at the employees and noticed Autumn was one of them. The other was a black guy with black, curly hair and a gottee. I saw Autumn whisper something in the girl's ear.

"Hello, police" I heard in a deep voice next to me. I looked and saw Trevor with one hand on my back and the other on his cellphone thats to his ear. "One of my co-workers got asalted by a costumer, violently." He said. He then gave the address of the Tim Hortan's we were working at. "We have the assalter pinned down to the floor, she's shaking vigorously." He soon hit end and placed the phone in his pocket and looked at me. "They'll be here soon" he said then walked to the back.

I felt on my face and pain shot from my forehead as I touched it, I new my nose was cracking and my cheeks had bruses that were opening up.

Matt's POV

I was walking to Tim Hortan's and there was police cars around it. Schelby. I run up to Tim Hortan's to see if she was ok, a blond police woman stopped me.

"You can't go in, someone was seriously injured." She said.

"But, my friend, she's still on her shift, she works here, she's working now" I said worried.

The police woman sighed. "Fine, you can go in" She said and opened the door for me. I walked in and saw Schelby at a booth talking to a male police officer. Her face was so banged up.

"MATT MATT MATT" I heard in an annoying fan girl voice. I turned to see a brunette girl being held back by two buff officers. I frowned. It was one of those overly attached fans. "Matt, please tell them I'm innocent. I beat her up because she touched you" she said.

My eyes widened. "You did this?" I asked angrily.

She frowned. "She was gonna take you away from me" she said with a sad tone.

I glarred at her, then looked at the officers "Please, get her out of my sight" I said then looked at Schelby

"What? MATT NO!" She yelled, trying to get my attention, she kept yelling as the officers took her outside and put here in the back seat of the police car.

Schelby looked up at me and got up from the booth after the officer. She walked up to me and began to cry. I pulled her into a hug. She soon accepted the hug and hugged me back.

I felt tears stinging my eyes. "W-What did she do to you?" I asked her with a catch in my throat, shaking and scared for her.

"She ... She" she said. I wipped a tear from her eye. She sniffled . "She grabbed me by my hair and - and banged my head against the counter." she said with sobs inbetween some words. I wipped another tear from her face.

I looked up at an officer. "Should I take her home?" I asked.

the pfficer nodded. "Yes, she may need some time off of work too for her face to heal" the officer said. I nodded.

A girl in a Tim Hortan's uniform with copper colored hair to her shoulders came up to us. "Bye Schelby, I'll come over tomorrow" she said. Schelby slowly released from me and hugged her.

"See you tomorrow Autumn" Schelby said. Autumn hugged back and kissed the top of her head.

Autumn looked at me. "Hey Matt" she said with a bit of a sad tone in her voice. I assumed she was a fan, thankfully, I knew she wasn't as attached as the girl who beat up Schelby. She soon released Schelby and walked off.

Schelby looked at me. I grabbed her wrist lightly and took her outside and pulled out my phone, dialing Jay.

He picked up.

"Hey Jay, can you pick me up from Tim Hortan's"

"Now? What happened to 11:00?"

I sighed. "You're gonna have to see for yourself"

he sighed. "Fine, I'll be there in five minutes"

He hung up. A guy in a Tim Hortan's uniform came out holding an envelope

and handed it to Schelby. I looked at his name tag and it said Trevor. "Here Schelby, It's your paycheck for the week" he said. Schelby grabbed the envelope and nodded, Trevor looked at me, then the ground and walked back into Tim Hortan's.

I heard a car pull up behind me so I turned around. It was Jay. He rolled down the window. "Dude, what the hell happened, what did you do?" he asked a little pissed.

I laughed. "I didn't do anything, a fan of mine did that to her." I said a little serious.

He sighed "Fine, get in" he said. I went to the back seat door and was about to open the door for Schelby when I noticed we were then being surrounded by camra's and microphones.

"Schelby, tell us how you feel about that fan beating you up?" a reporter said.

Schelby was silent.

"Schelby, What do you wanna tell the girl who did this to you?"

Schelby was still scilent.

a few more questions were thrown at her. "Schelby, can you tell us why this girl attacked you?"

Schelby growled. "FUCK OFF!" she yelled. I widened my eyes. The reporters fell scilent. "You guys are self centered little pricks, all you do is pick tramatized people at their weekest and bother them until you get answers against their will, you aren't getting answers from me, never" she said pissed. I wanted to applaud her, but I stood stunned. the reporters put down the camras and went back to their vans.

I stood stunned. I shook my head and opened the car door for Schelby. "thank you" she muttered and got in. I climbed in after her.

(Picture of Andy on side just because)

[discontinued] I dared him to (MattG fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now