Chapter 4: Introducing the Paladins of Voltron

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Katooni's POV

I follow Keith to the training deck, along with the rest of the group. Even the Jedi temple just has a room, this place is huge! I wonder if they'd let us stay here! I wonder what Padawan Tano would have thought, I miss her, I was hoping to be her Padawan when she became a Knight, I was so sad when she left, I wasn't nearly as bad as Masters Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Plo Koon but I was probably the closest to her from the younglings. As we approached we heard, a lightsaber, panting, and what sounded like a flight simulator. Why are they training, they just got off a mission, don't they rest? I looked at the masters, even they looked surprised, then Keith spoke up.

" Everyone is mostly training on their own today, Princess Allura needed to borrow our trainer for a top secret mission" he explained

Sheepishly I asked him "Is that a lightsaber I'm hearing?" The council did a double take, guess they didn't notice that. Keith chuckled, "Yep, that would be Delmira, the black paladin. Her Bayard is actually a bow and arrows, but it turns out some of the old alteans were force sensitive and one day while we were cleaning, we opened a closet and got buried alive in lightsaber crystals, Delmira and our trainer are the only people here who can use them but it's not safe to try and transport them anywhere."

Master Windu was suspicious though, " Lightsabers are dangerous. If you built one wrong it could blow up, considering you have no droids and no damage, someone taught you how to build a lightsaber, who?"

Just then we reached the training deck doors Keith opened the door with one hand and we all started.

3rd person POV

The group stood frozen in awe at the enormous training deck, it could easily fit every ship in the entire Republic fleet, a few dozen feet away were the legendary Paladins of Voltron all in full armor. The Green paladin was fighting with some form of an extremely dangerous droid. The Yellow Paladin was running laps around the ENTIRE training deck, the blue one seemed to be nearly failing a flight simulator, and in the middle, the Black Paladin. (Ignore where it says 'mutant name',  I designed Delmira using the X- girl creator on doll divine, it's the best for this kind of stuff considering, i stink at drawing so...) 

 Delmira was practicing Soresu movements flawlessly

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 Delmira was practicing Soresu movements flawlessly. The thoughts of most of the group were along the lines of, 'who taught her how to use a lightsaber' Anakin, however, was looking at the black paladin intently, there was something familiar about this girl that he just couldn't place.


Ahsoka's POV

I was more than aware of the Jedi watching me, but I was more confused on WHY they were in the training room. They all looked pretty serious, yep, I'm just gonna let Allura handle this one, unless they want to do something crazy, force knows the nearly get killed enough as it is. Seriously, what is with Jedi and stupid ideas that scream 'Come Kill Me, I'm Open!' ...

"Join you, can we, in your fight against the Galra?"

... speaking of my current train of thought, please let Allura know how to respond to this.

"We would be more than happy to have you join us again the Galra" Allura responds glancing at me to see if I was OK with this because well, they DID kick me out. I gave her a subtle quick nod because really why do I even try at this point, I can at least make a game out of how long it takes them to realize who I am, might as well get some entertainment.


Obi-Wan's POV

Picking up on Anakin's train of thought, I agree, there is something familiar about this girl, she reminds me a lot of the girl who told us where Anakin was and that he was force sensitive.... actually, now that I think about it.  Just as I'm about to ask her

"you look familiar, do I Know you from somewhere?" Anakin asks

The black PaladinT turns around to face us, me and Anakin both gasp, it IS the woman who told us about Anakin.

"You're the woman who told my master Qui-Gon about Anakin, I must confess, I was under the impression that you had passed into the force."

Anakin turns to stare at me, "how, this woman was from Tatooine, a friend of my families, she DID pass, she passed 2 weeks before you and Master Qui-Gon Jinn arrived. By now even I'm confused.

Delmira chuckled, "yes, I am from Tatooine, and I did tell you and Master Jinn about Anakin, I'm a SHAPESHIFTER, before becoming the black paladin of Voltron I would go around bring different people, one of the people I chose to portray in the past was a human named Talena, unfortunately, the life expectancy for females on Tatooine isn't very high so I was forced to leave, upon leaving I ran into you and your master and told you about Anakin."

I nodded in understanding, the clones and younglings still looked a bit lost though

"If you're a shape-shifter why could Masters Obi-Wan and Anakin recognize you?" Katooni asked

"Because, young one, I preferred to make my human form as close to my real form as possible."

Fives, one of the clones, cleared his throat "um, so IS this your real form, if you don't mind me asking."

Delmira chuckled, "it's perfectly fine, and yes this is my real form, any other questions?"

all of the younglings hands shoot into the air, a few of the clones do too, as does Anakins, I sigh exasperatedly

"Alright, alright, we'll ask her questions in the morning but we should go eat and get ready for bed, it is very late after all and something tells me the Galra don't sleep in, so neither should we," I announce

Some of the younglings groan, making a few of the master's chuckle, Delmira as well.

"The dining room is 2 doors down on your right, Hunk can guide you there, the rest of us will join you in a moment." Demira tells us

The yellow Paladin, Hunk started toward the door, "come on don't wanna be late for dinner" I chuckle and follow him and the others out the door.

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