Chapter 8: Forming Voltron

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As soon as Delmira finished her sentence the lions were suddenly flying up into the air, the color of their lion trailing behind them like ribbons. They connected all at once with a bright flash of light.

As the light died down it revealed the legendary Voltron, standing tall in its glory.

Delmira called through the comm's that connected all the paladin's to each other, "Lance, are we able to use your freezing ability in this form?"

"Uh, I think so, I'm pretty sure" Lance replied, a little uncertain

"Give it a shot," Pidge called, "aim for the slime creature see if you can freeze it for long enough that we can get the other monster's and the galra ships in position."

A beam of ice came from Voltron's chest freezing the pink slime monster, but it was still moving,

"Bit more Lance," Hunk called out, "that things still moving"

The beam continued to freeze the pink slime monster until you could barely make out that there was anything inside the big block of ice on the surface of the planet.

Out of nowhere, a shadowy arm snaked across Voltron's torso, before yanking back. Voltron stumbled backward before regaining its footing, All the sudden the ground opened up and swallowed the solid part of the monster, all the way up to it's smoky, shadow shoulders.

"Nice Hunk," Lance congratulated,

"Nah," Hunk called back blushing, "It was nothing, I just took the idea from you."

"Nice, now how do we make sure it can't attack us with its arms?" Keith asked, staring at the shadowy thing that was trying to free it's lower body from its rocky prison

Pidge began observing the shadow monster, trying to find a weakness that would allow them to trap the upper part of the creature "What if we just, ice it like we did the other monster? It doesn't look like it can go through solid objects and no amount of arms is gonna keep it from being frozen, and ice is pretty solid so it's not like it can disappear."

Lance shrugged before firing an ice blast at the creature "Guess Haggar forgot to make her monsters ice proof!"

Keith cocked an eyebrow, "Huh, that was easier than I was expecting. Now, all we have left is the spikey metal ball and the flying snake skeleton. "

Pidge smirked, sending multiple vines rushing at the snake, quickly overwhelming and then wrapping it up. "Actually, we just have spike ball. These things are a lot easier to beat now that we're a little bigger"

"Um-guys?" Hunk called out "Where'd the spike ball go?"

Immediately everyone began looking around for the aforementioned monster, wondering where the heck it went

when they heard a loud CRUNCH

looking down they saw that the spike monster had run into Voltron's leg armor and what had previously been a spikey metal sphere was now half it's original shape, as the metal it was made of had caved in upon impact with Voltron's leg, flattening half of it

"That has to be the weakest metal-made enemy I have ever faced." Delmira said at the same time that Keith muttered, "Well that was anticlimactic."

With the spike monster accounted for, Pidge tied all the remaining monsters together with her vines, and Delmira called the castle of lions to tell them it was time for the second step of the plan and to get the castle's tractor beam ready. As soon as Delmira finished detailing the castle's part in the attack the castle was off tractor beam at the ready, flying above the biggest Galra ships.

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