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Ahsoka POV

as soon as our guests left the room I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Welp, this just got a whole lot harder!"

everyone else nodded, I guess there's no way to keep them out of this now, guess we'll just have to go with the flow. I retired to my room so I could think about this situation a bit more.


Cutup's POV

As soon as dinner was finished and we were given our rooms  I was sharing a room with my brothers Fives, Echo, Heavy, and Tup. I entered and gasped, "Are-are those... BEDS?" I asked in disbelief. I crept over and touched one ignoring my brothers' protests, "This is the softest thing I have ever felt, you need to feel one!" (There were 5 beds in the room) I looked up to notice a note taped above my bed, " Hey guys, come read this!" 

'Dear esteemed guests,

I hope you like the room I chose for you!

The closest is the empty wall in the back.

if you need anything, feel free to ask.

- Delmira, The Black Paladin. '

My brother Tup looked astounded, "The BLACK PALADIN left us this room!"

even Heavy looked shocked, "A-Apparently."

after we got over our shock and got our stuff settled I turned to face my brothers, "Do any of you get the feeling like you've met her before?"

Tup thought for a moment before answering, "Yeah."

Heavy echoed him at the same time "Yes."

Fives didn't even need to blink, "Yep"

Echo nodded, "Definitely" 

"me too," I answered truthfully, I couldn't explain it but I felt I knew her from somewhere. "Hey, they said she was a shape-shifter, do you think we knew her while she was in a different form?"

Echo looked up from a book he was reading, "That's actually a real possibility, but it doesn't solidify where we could know her from." Echo and I started talking about all the different places we might have known her from 

Fives groaned and threw a pillow at us, "Quit it, I'm trying to sleep. Delmira said she would answer questions tomorrow, you can ask her then."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my bed, It was much nicer than any other bed I'd slept on. it was soft too. Before I knew it I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


Ahsoka's POV

I woke up and let out a yawn and turned over to checked my clock, it was 4:00 am. I smiled and jumped out of bed, today would be a long day and what better way to start the day than by cooking breakfast... for hundreds of people, oh well, guess the kitchen will be busier than normal. I'm thinking of messing with them a bit today, so I'll make a bunch of their favorite foods, This is gonna be fun, but first some music. I grabbed my phone and turned on the radio.  (she lived on earth, she has a phone. They're in in a super tech castle so yes.. there's wifi and reception. and yes, this is because I have a song stuck in my head) 


Anakin's POV

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